Wednesday, March 31, 2010
National Football League: Say No to Thugs! Part Two
When a mom and dad notice their kids are turning into porky little chowbuckets, they often try to substitute healthier foods for all the Twinkies, cookies and potato chips the kids are tossing down their throats. Similarly, let's see where National Football League players get in trouble and recommend alternative, wholesome activities and entertainment for them.
1) Strip clubs. NFL players seem inexorably drawn to these establishments. The attraction is, of course, the varied and exotic creatures you see on display there. And in some strip clubs, they let you observe these creatures up close and personal. In others, you are asked to keep your distance, for safety reasons--yours and hers.
Substitute activity: visiting your local Zoo. Same attraction, actually: interesting animals, exotic habitat. But infinitely more educational, and the municipal Zoo has a much higher class of clientele for you to socialize with. I can't recall a single incident of a celebrity athlete being arrested at the Zoo. Once or twice, a Zoo visitor might get bitten, but that can obviously happen at strip clubs, too.
Substitute activity 2: take up ballroom dancing. Why just watch others dance around the stage, or the pole, when you can sashay across the floor yourself? And an National Football League player's athletic ability gives him a leg up, so to speak, on the other people taking dancing lessons with him. Just look at how proficient Emmitt Smith became on Dancing with the Stars. Though he's still no John O'Hurley.
2) Fights and other altercations in bars. Recently, even a Green Bay Packer, if you can believe it, got into trouble for allegedly pushing or shoving a female late one night in a drinking establishment. The alleged shover was starting linebacker Nick Barnett. (To be honest, I was not aware that shoving was considered a crime, especially after the times I have ridden the subway in New York.)
An unfortunate offshoot of this incident is now Green Bay Packer fans have to listen to the taunts of the Viking fans: "Dude, that was the best tackle Barnett made all year!"
The reason so many athletes have unpleasant experiences in bars is simple: excessive alcohol consumption reduces normally intelligent individuals to a level of thinking just below moronic, and aggressive tendencies that would normally be repressed, from fans and players alike, suddenly emerge. Small-minded people who are envious of the money and fame that accrues to pro athletes sometimes deliberately try to provoke the athlete into an argument. Provoking a National Football League player, who is paid to be aggressive, is never a wise choice. But as with NFL games when the Ref only notices the second person who threw the punch, the athlete often pays the price for a drunken fan's outburst.
Substitute activity: Learn how to cook. Becoming a skilled chef is a lot of fun, and allows you to entertain your friends at your home, and avoid the bar scene and its associated unpleasant situations altogether. You will have to go out to shop for groceries, but fans you may encounter are unlikely to become belligerent in the produce aisle. For the football player who is single, the grocery store can be an excellent venue to meet eligible females, who will be impressed that you know how to use ingredients like radicchio and broccoli rabe.
Substitute activity 2: watch Political Debates. Take out these aggressive tendencies by yelling at the TV when a politician says something particularly idiotic. Since both major political parties are chock full of nuts these days, the opportunity to vent your frustrations is nearly limitless. You may never feel the need to visit a drinking establishment again.
Or, if you listen to enough political drivel, maybe you will.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Illegal "Trick" Football Plays In Youth Football
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There are a number of trick football plays that are perfectly legal and ethical to run in youth football. There are others that are not legal, but we still see them from time to time at both the youth and High School levels.
One illegal football play that has reared its ugly head again the last few year is the old "Where"s the Tee" or "Wrong Ball" plays. These are plays where the quarterback yells out to the defense that "we've got the wrong ball, I need a different ball" or "Where's the Tee, We need a Tee". In the meantime the center places the football in the quarterbacks hands and the quarterback slowly walks off the field feigning he is replacing the ball. All the other offensive players act like nothing is going on, but once the defense lets down its guard, the quarterback is off to the races. In the "Where's the Tee" version of this football play, as the QB takes off to the sidelines to supposedly get a tee that he has supposedly forgotten, the ball is snapped and another player takes off with the ball. In most cases with both of these football plays, the sideline is in on it and the "coach" is at the sidelines with a ball or tee and or yelling for the QB to switch out the ball or "come get the tee".
Not only is it Bush League it is an illegal football play.
Any action or verbiage used to deceive the defense into thinking that the ball is not about to become live is an UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT PENALTY, 15 yards.
This is the old "Where's the Tee" play that was made illegal many many moons ago.
Nearly all Youth Football Leagues use Federation High School Rules with a few exceptions of "Special Rules" that they all make very clear to their teams often in a mini rule manual. This manual covers exceptions to the High School Rules only. Unsportsmanlike Conduct is not one of the exceptions and is covered in the Federation Rule Book under 9.5.1b. Again, Any action or verbiage used to deceive the defense into thinking that the ball is not about to become live is illegal. Acting like you need a new ball or have the wrong ball or are missing the kicking tee are all illegal under this rule if the ball is snapped during said baloney.
There are plenty of ways to compete in youth football and for some, a trick play is something they like to put in. I'm not a big believer in trick plays, we are going to fundamental you to death and I don't like stealing practice time to perfect trick plays. I do however like to put in one trick play later in the year just to keep the players attention and keep them interested in midseason. We rarely run it to gain advantage, but as a reward to the kids, often as an extra point play when we are up a touchdown or two.
We do practice against the above illegal play in our defensive walk throughs and fit and freeze. But fortunately we have yet to see it in 15 years of coaching.
Youth Football Team Struggling For Funds? Try Community Sponsorships
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Creating a youth football organization or team can run into some unusual challenges: where to play, how to get people to join the program, community involvement, funding etc. One strategy in overcoming multiple challenges is to gather local community sponsors. This article's intention is to give a couple pointers in extending invitations and garnering relationships with potential sponsors.
Make a plan
The first step is to make a plan. An old adage states, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." A plan will consist of some basic marketing skills. First, start with people that you know. Second, understand the benefits of sponsoring your organization. Third, make the call and close the deal.
Start with people that you know
In planning to get sponsors for your football organization begins simply as a list of people. This could be anyone from a CEO of a fortune 500 company to the local delivery boy. It is amazing how much businesses rely on social networking, and you are two steps ahead of the game if you have a name, or a tie in to that organization.
Also, try and expand your circle of influence in a variety of ways. Get your football players and their parents to join you in sponsoring efforts. This will not only help you expand your circle, but is an ideal invitation to get them and their businesses to sponsor your team.
Understand your benefits
Here is a lesson from marketing 101: no one wants to hear how much a sponsorship is going to help you...they want to hear how this is going to help them. The more that you hone your pitch towards their goals, and their success the more they will listen.
Take some time to construct your pitch. How would a company, individual, or organization benefit from sponsoring your football organization? Are there ways to promote their businesses at your games? Promote them on your football jerseys? Will giving to your organization help the community feel better about their business?
Make the call and close the deal
Before you continue reading, stop and ask yourself. "How afraid am I of asking for help?" If you are 100% afraid then either you don't believe enough in your cause or you haven't constructed a plan or pitch that is good enough. Start over and try again.
Now that we are ready to go lets start calling! Nothing will help your cause, pitch, or donations more then persistence. Realize that everyone is going to have their free choice. Not even the best marketers or salesman achieve 100% sales conversion. You will get rejected, but if you believe in your cause it will not deter you from trying again and again.
When ending your conversation ask for some donation. There are many styles of closing the sale. One strong tip is to avoid yes or no questions. Instead of asking, "Would you like to sponsor our community team?" Ask something like, "Would you like to donate with cash or a check?"
Remember that if you have a good cause people will join you. The most powerful thing that you can do for yourself and your team is answering the "why" question: "Why are you doing this?" The more powerful and resolute the answer is the better!
Monday, March 29, 2010
College Football Helmets - Its Evolution
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Football is one extreme contact sport. It may not be as fast or as furious as the usual racing games you seen but it definitely has a unique notch of action on its own. This is precisely why helmets are necessary when playing football. Both amateurs as well as professional players of the said sport can be seen donning this specific protective gear on before setting off to play the game. However, there are specific characteristics possessed by football helmets. They generally have a face mask, a chin strap, and even a mouth guard that comes as an optional feature.
All that have been mentioned goes the same with college football helmets. Apart from being just a protective gear, it can also be said that college football helmets are being worn for their aesthetic effect. Every football helmet comes emblazoned with the particular team's logo. This is essential because it helps coaches identify their players while on field and referees find it easier to record down playing technicalities while every one is out there on field.
College football helmets were not as complex as they are right now. Football helmets actually started way back in 1915. These old types of helmets are very basic looking. They are even simply made out of leather. They are also made with a flat looking top design which can be likened to the ones professional wrestlers have been using. Back then, the main purpose of these helmets was to protect the player's ear from any damages. However, the lack of ear holes on the helmets has proven communication to be difficult when these old helmets were used.
So through time, helmets have evolved and improved until the National Football League has required football helmets to come with a face mask. From then on, college football helmets have also adapted this particular technical requirement for the games they have held. Nowadays, leather is not the main ingredient of college football helmets. It is now polycarbonate which is being widely used in making such helmets for football.
In addition, college football helmets have also taken into consideration the need for constant communication while on field. Football, after all, is a group sport which calls for much coordination within the team. What happened instead is that these football helmets have changed its design from flat top into a more oval structure. According to studies which have been conducted, this oval shape of college football helmets actually helps a lot in protecting the head from too much impact. Moreover, an inflatable bladder is also now being used to provide more protection for football players while wearing a football helmet.
Then eventually, the chin strap has also been developed as professionals felt the need to secure that these football helmets are safely held in place. This is important especially for a contact sport like football wherein unpredictable actions can happen. College football helmets really did evolve through time. From its humble beginnings, people have realized the need to improve it.
Football Game Betting
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Are you aware that large number of people including bookies is making huge profits from football game betting and you could be one of them? Out of these only few people are making more than 80 percent profits regularly and the reason of the consistent winning is that these few people know inside secrets of football game betting. Football game betting has become one of the most preferred online games in many parts of the world and more and more people are coming forward and betting on the game. The craze of winning on bet is also increasing, however people simply bet without knowing the game plans win rarely. However, you can succeed in making a fortune from your bet if you do it properly.
So, if you want to win in football game betting, you need to learn the gaming secrets known to a few people involved in betting systems. Although a very few people are only going to share this information with limited people, you could become one of them. You can get the best information on football game betting at Internet and with the help of the information can plan your gaming activities. You should start with low bets and as you start winning, you can increase your bet steadily and slowly.
So, football, which is the favorite game of millions of people and watched all over the world, is also very favorable for online betting. Hundreds of thousands of people bet on the game every year. Although the game of football is sometime unpredictable, even then many people win from online football game betting.
Who Invented Football?
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Football is a word that is confusing and entertaining and a sport that epitomized the pride of a nation and the strength of an athlete. In other places, football is a game known as soccer in America. Football in America is where the quarterback throws the ball to a receiver and everybody is running around the gridiron. And football in Europe and other parts of the world means soccer, where guys run around the field tossing a ball around their knees and head. Whew! That was confusing. So who really invented football?
The "Father of American Football", Walter C. Camp was a football coach and a sports writer and the one who invented football. His name became is legend in the American Football history. He took the rugby game to the next level and invented football. He borrowed term from the rugby game and applied it to football; in rugby, five guys lined-up and are called scrum; in football, he change the five guys to seven guys forming the offensive line, this is called the Line of Scrimmage. Get it? Scrum and scrimmage?
Some claims the football is truly a Canadian game and it was a Canadian who invented football. Invented by the replacement for British troops entering Quebec in the 1600's. Canadian Universities then introduced the game to American Colleges. It is said that by the time America first heard of football, Canada already has their professional football league of sorts.
Some say that football was invented by Chinese a thousand years ago. The ancient Chinese were said to have kick a ball back and forth for exercise and amusement. It is said that the English only re-invented the sport after explorers visited this far away land. So was it really the Chinese who invented football?
They say it all started in Rome. Romans started playing football quite differently at that time, it is said that they originally toss and throw the pig's head around staking a claim on it. They found it fun and engaging thus it became a sport and thus it was them who invented football.
It was the English who invented the football, or did they? It has been reported that forms of football were played as early as 1200 in England. As evidence, they pointed out a game seen played in ancient Greece, it is believed to be the predecessor of football. But this game is said to be forbade by The King Henry VI and by the 19th century, it was split into two games; the soccer and the rugby. And because American football evolved from the rugby, the English are basically staking a claim on both football sports.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Top 25 Goals PES 2009 Vol. 2 HD
Necessary Items To Bring To An NFL Football Game
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There is arguably nothing better than attending an NFL football game and experiencing all of the excitement surrounding this sporting event in person. For those who are unsure as to what to bring to the game, there are a few necessary items which all fans and spectators should not be without.
Proper Attire
First and foremost, one who attends an NFL football game should wear the appropriate attire to ensure that their experience is a pleasurable one. Fans should wear comfortable clothing that is in keeping with the climate and weather. For example, if one is going to an NFL football game in the North, they should wear warm clothing and make it waterproof if snow or rain is a factor and the stadium is outdoors. On the other hand, one who goes to a Miami Dolphins game should dress comfortably in clothing which they will stay cool wearing.
Tailgating Items
Tailgating is a great pastime to take advantage of when going to an NFL game. This entails gathering in the stadium parking lot, chatting with other fans and eating some great tailgating food. One who is going to tailgate prior to the game should bring a cooler, food, beverages and any items necessary to cook their food. Many stadiums allow individuals to use portable grills in the parking lots which makes tailgating that much better.
Cash for Souvenirs and Food Inside the Stadium
Lastly, an individual who is going to an NFL game should make sure that they have enough cash on hand to buy certain items during the game. Items such as food, drinks and souvenirs are available for purchase inside football stadiums and fans should be sure to have cash handy to buy these items as many concessions do not take credit cards.
Setting Up a Junior Football Team
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Are you thinking of starting a junior football team but are unsure about how to proceed? I have recently set up such a team for the age group of under sevens and in this article I will give advice as to what is involved in the way of organisation etc.
My name is Stephen Hill and I have a son who is six years of age. I have been taking him to train with a football team for the last two months. He is however too young to play in the matches for this team which greatly annoys him as he loves his football.
A couple of weeks ago the manager of the team asked if I would be willing to start up a new team which would start playing in the league next year, this team would be for my sons age group. I was very happy that I had been asked but did not have the first idea about how to run such a team. I agreed that I would run the team but stated that I would need a lot of help in the organisation of it. This manager agreed to show me the ropes as such.
The first thing I needed to do was to seek help from other people as it would be virtually impossible for me to do it on my own. I asked around the parents of children in my childs class and explained what I was hoping to do, I was pleasantly surprised by the support shown. I soon had around five people who were happy to help with the training and on match days.
I was now starting to enjoy myself as I was starting to meet lots of new people and was aware that I was doing something good for the lads at this school including my own son of course.
I then had to think about a venue or gym where this team could hold its training sessions. My first port of call would be the school itself as it is their children who are going to play in the team. The school seemed to love the idea and agreed that I could use their school hall once a week. They also seem interested in sponsoring the team, this is where they have the name of the school on the football kit in return for supplying items such as the kit, balls, goals and cones. This sponsorship is still being discussed.
Finding children to play in the team was the next task, this however was very simple and my son himself found a number of players from his numerous friends.
When we train the emphasis is on having fun. At this age we do not concentrate too much on tactical awareness but more on the enjoyment of the game and getting used to such skills as trapping and passing the ball.
I am not trying to suggest it is easy to set up a new junior football team but it is very rewarding and is a great way of meeting new people.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Football Terminology - Tight End Passing Routes
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These routes and names being taught are according the West Coast offensive scheme (Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Bucanneers, Philadelphia Eagles, Green Bay Packers, and San Francisco 49ers). This information is not meant to replace the terminology or execution that may be taught by a High School, Junior High, or Pop Warner coach. However, every single pass receiving route taught today on the amateur and professional level is derived from the same basic concepts. Therefore, I encourage you to implement these techniques because they will greatly enhance your route running ability.
Passing Tree Routes
Middle spot - Designed to be usually a 3rd read for the Quarterback. The most important coaching tip for this route is making sure you stop directly over the ball, 5-6 yards deep. Do not drift or slide until you make contact with the QB.
Drag - This is West Coast Offense terminology for a route ran into the flat. A big mistake young players and even coaches make in utilizing this route, is that they bow or round the route. This only makes the Tight End easier to defend. The key coaching tip on this route is to pick a point on the near sideline about 3-5 yards past the line of scrimmage, and then run as straight as you can to that point.
Stick - A simple 5 yard out. This route can be run various ways depending on coverage, but in this case you will practice this route if you are in man coverage.
Coaching tips:
- Get a good release off the ball
- At 4-6 yards past the line of scrimmage stick, plant and break the route with your inside foot and then run away from the defender slightly downhill. You should expect to catch the ball 3-4 yards deep.
Middle Cross/Flanker Drive - Another name for a 10-12 yard "in" route.
Coaching Tip:
- Make the first 10 yards look like you are on a Go or Seam route. At 10-12 yards fake an outside break, then plant, break, and cut with your outside foot. Once you hit your break, run slightly downhill. You should expect to catch the ball 8-10 yards deep.
Option/Hook - This route is designed to take advantage of the leverage a defender will give you. If he is playing out side you will break inside. If the defender is playing you with inside leverage, you will break the route outside.
Coaching Tip:
- Make sure you widen the defender at least 2-4 yards during the initial 4-5 yards of your route. This will create separation and give the defender an opportunity to commit inside or outside leverage.
Deep Dig - The West Coast Offense uses this route in 3rd and long situations. The route is ran similar to the Option/Hook but at 13-15 yards past the line of scrimmage. Like the Option/Hook route, you must get width in your initial 5 yards to widen the defender.
Shallow Cross- An underneath route designed to take advantage of Linebackers and 1 on 1 coverage. Make sure you get a good release off the line of scrimmage. Initially angle your route until you get to 4 yards deep, at that point give a little head fake like you are going to go up field, then break your route across the field. You will most likely expect to catch the ball where the opposite tackle will be.
Seam/Go - The foundation of all pass routes. The key is beating the man in front of you. Get a good release of the line of scrimmage and the first person to the 15 yard line wins!
Coaching Tip:
- Make sure you widen the defender at least 2-4 yards during the initial 4-5 yards of your route. This will create separation from you and the Middle Linebacker and give you an opportunity to catch the ball between your man and the Free Safety. You will usually catch the ball 10-17 yards down-field.
Middle Cross/Flanker Drive (Middle Closed) - In some instances when a Tight Runs a Middle Cross the Middle Linebacker will pick you up in coverage. Rather than trying to beat him across the field after your break, run towards him a good 2-3 steps and turn back the direction you came an run an out route. An unstoppable play if read correctly by the receiver and QB.
Skinny Post - This play works magic against a cover 2. This play is run when the Safeties are jumping the Flag route.
Coaching Tips:
- Make sure you widen the defender at least 2-4 yards during the initial 4-5 yards of your route. This will create separation from you and the Strong Side Linebacker, leaving room to run the Post.
- At 10 to 12 yards pas the line of scrimmage, take 1-2 steps like you are running a Flag, then cut, plant, break with your outside foot and run a Post. DO NOT RUN TOWARD THE SAFETY, he will light you up if you catch the ball. After your cut, stay in the inside shoulder of the defender.
In some cases you may feel like you are running a Seam if the safeties are tight together.
China - This route is designed to take advantage of Linebackers that jump the Drag route. The mechanics of this route are the same as the Drag, but after 3-4 steps into the Drag, stop and comeback to the QB. Do not reverse pivot or spin out of the route. You simply just have step, plant, and cut.
Deep Middle - This route is designed to take advantage of the Middle Linebacker in the Tampa Cover 2.
Coaching Tips:
- For the first 5-6 steps make this route look like a Shallow Cross.
- Once you get to where the play side Offensive Guard would be then break your route up field, and then sit and break your route at 10-12 yards directly over the ball.
Seattle - This is West Coast Version of the Flag route. The only difference is the angle after the break. In a Flag the Tight End will try to keep the route high towards the back corner pylon in the end zone. The Seattle route however, is run flatter after the break to try to get under the Safety. In some cases, the route can almost look like a 10 yard out route.
Flag - Designed to expose Man or Cover 2 coverage.
Coaching Tips:
- Make your break at 10-12 yards. Do not break your route too early. Make the defender think you going on a "Go" route for a touchdown, then break into a flag...
- On your break, cut with your outside foot, take two steps like you are running a Post, then break it back into a flag with your inside foot. After the break run towards the back corner pylon. Stay "skinny" and up field.
National Football League: Say No to Thugs! Part Two
When a mom and dad notice their kids are turning into porky little chowbuckets, they often try to substitute healthier foods for all the Twinkies, cookies and potato chips the kids are tossing down their throats. Similarly, let's see where National Football League players get in trouble and recommend alternative, wholesome activities and entertainment for them.
1) Strip clubs. NFL players seem inexorably drawn to these establishments. The attraction is, of course, the varied and exotic creatures you see on display there. And in some strip clubs, they let you observe these creatures up close and personal. In others, you are asked to keep your distance, for safety reasons--yours and hers.
Substitute activity: visiting your local Zoo. Same attraction, actually: interesting animals, exotic habitat. But infinitely more educational, and the municipal Zoo has a much higher class of clientele for you to socialize with. I can't recall a single incident of a celebrity athlete being arrested at the Zoo. Once or twice, a Zoo visitor might get bitten, but that can obviously happen at strip clubs, too.
Substitute activity 2: take up ballroom dancing. Why just watch others dance around the stage, or the pole, when you can sashay across the floor yourself? And an National Football League player's athletic ability gives him a leg up, so to speak, on the other people taking dancing lessons with him. Just look at how proficient Emmitt Smith became on Dancing with the Stars. Though he's still no John O'Hurley.
2) Fights and other altercations in bars. Recently, even a Green Bay Packer, if you can believe it, got into trouble for allegedly pushing or shoving a female late one night in a drinking establishment. The alleged shover was starting linebacker Nick Barnett. (To be honest, I was not aware that shoving was considered a crime, especially after the times I have ridden the subway in New York.)
An unfortunate offshoot of this incident is now Green Bay Packer fans have to listen to the taunts of the Viking fans: "Dude, that was the best tackle Barnett made all year!"
The reason so many athletes have unpleasant experiences in bars is simple: excessive alcohol consumption reduces normally intelligent individuals to a level of thinking just below moronic, and aggressive tendencies that would normally be repressed, from fans and players alike, suddenly emerge. Small-minded people who are envious of the money and fame that accrues to pro athletes sometimes deliberately try to provoke the athlete into an argument. Provoking a National Football League player, who is paid to be aggressive, is never a wise choice. But as with NFL games when the Ref only notices the second person who threw the punch, the athlete often pays the price for a drunken fan's outburst.
Substitute activity: Learn how to cook. Becoming a skilled chef is a lot of fun, and allows you to entertain your friends at your home, and avoid the bar scene and its associated unpleasant situations altogether. You will have to go out to shop for groceries, but fans you may encounter are unlikely to become belligerent in the produce aisle. For the football player who is single, the grocery store can be an excellent venue to meet eligible females, who will be impressed that you know how to use ingredients like radicchio and broccoli rabe.
Substitute activity 2: watch Political Debates. Take out these aggressive tendencies by yelling at the TV when a politician says something particularly idiotic. Since both major political parties are chock full of nuts these days, the opportunity to vent your frustrations is nearly limitless. You may never feel the need to visit a drinking establishment again.
Or, if you listen to enough political drivel, maybe you will.
The "Football Playbook" Road to Destruction in Youth Football
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This past week a frantic person called asking if I had a playbook for sale that could be used for a Youth Football team. They said that they had played High School football 20 years ago, had never coached youth football before and just needed a playbook to get their team off and running. They knew all about "drills".
I explained my book was not just a playbook, but a step by step process that included a small but very effective playbook section. This person told me they, "Just needed a playbook". I can guarantee you this coach probably will make every one of the Common Youth Football Coaching Mistakes Detailed on pages 27-33 of my book. His team will most likely be one that not only fails miserably from a wins and losses perspective, but whose kids won't have much fun and will have huge retention issues. I'm not sure how a playbook in of itself is of much value to any youth football team.
The coaches that call and talk to me with an open mind are those that are e-mailing me with incredible success stories at the end of the season. The coach from the above story and the like we never hear from again. Embarrassed of their failures I'm sure and following the "Playbook Path" to a disastarous season. These disaster seasons often lead to player and parent revolts and seem to be one of the main reasons most youth football coaches only coach for a season or two.
The playbook fallacy:
On the other hand, there are some coaches like KJ, BJ, DB, KB, GB and many others. I can tell right away after talking on the phone with them for 5 minutes that they are going to have monster turnaround seasons. These are the teams we will be talking about on our end of season Wall of Fame. It has to do with having an inquisitive nature and being open minded about learning. People that are successful in life are this way about everything, it is a process they embrace. They have a problem, they admit they don't have all the answers, they try and understand the critical success factors of the endeavor, they do research and they develop a plan that in many cases has been proven successful elsewhere in solving their exact same problem.
For starters most of the playbooks I have seen or bought have been nothing but a bunch of backfield action drawings with little to nothing said about the blocking responsibilities of the players. Many do not even have lines drawn for who the linemen are to block. Others have the blocking drawn up against a set 4-4 defense but nothing is said of how to block against a 5-3 or 6-2 nor are any set blocking rules given. Others have 150-200 plays in them, obviously a compilation of many different offenses. But these are football plays, not offenses, there is a huge difference. Anybody can draw up a bunch of football plays, not everyone can draw up an offense.
An offense is a set of complementary football plays built around a football philosophy with integrated blocking rules and detailed coaching points for each play. Most playbooks do not contain any of this.
Don't even get me started about first steps, blocking progressions, technique, position descriptions, player evaluations, practice plans, priorities, defense, special teams, implementation, fit and freeze, scouting, game day management, managing players and parents etc etc etc. The playbook is such a small part of the puzzle. Important, but a small piece and anyone that doesn't understand that is usually doomed to fail when coaching youth football.
Coaches don't get a playbook and think you're set for the season, even if it is my playbook. A playbook is no magic bullet no matter how great it is.
For 150 free youth football coaching tips please stop here: Football Plays
Copyright 2007 Cisar Management and republishing this article are parts of it without including this paragraph is copyright infringement.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Setting Up a Junior Football Team
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Are you thinking of starting a junior football team but are unsure about how to proceed? I have recently set up such a team for the age group of under sevens and in this article I will give advice as to what is involved in the way of organisation etc.
My name is Stephen Hill and I have a son who is six years of age. I have been taking him to train with a football team for the last two months. He is however too young to play in the matches for this team which greatly annoys him as he loves his football.
A couple of weeks ago the manager of the team asked if I would be willing to start up a new team which would start playing in the league next year, this team would be for my sons age group. I was very happy that I had been asked but did not have the first idea about how to run such a team. I agreed that I would run the team but stated that I would need a lot of help in the organisation of it. This manager agreed to show me the ropes as such.
The first thing I needed to do was to seek help from other people as it would be virtually impossible for me to do it on my own. I asked around the parents of children in my childs class and explained what I was hoping to do, I was pleasantly surprised by the support shown. I soon had around five people who were happy to help with the training and on match days.
I was now starting to enjoy myself as I was starting to meet lots of new people and was aware that I was doing something good for the lads at this school including my own son of course.
I then had to think about a venue or gym where this team could hold its training sessions. My first port of call would be the school itself as it is their children who are going to play in the team. The school seemed to love the idea and agreed that I could use their school hall once a week. They also seem interested in sponsoring the team, this is where they have the name of the school on the football kit in return for supplying items such as the kit, balls, goals and cones. This sponsorship is still being discussed.
Finding children to play in the team was the next task, this however was very simple and my son himself found a number of players from his numerous friends.
When we train the emphasis is on having fun. At this age we do not concentrate too much on tactical awareness but more on the enjoyment of the game and getting used to such skills as trapping and passing the ball.
I am not trying to suggest it is easy to set up a new junior football team but it is very rewarding and is a great way of meeting new people.
Football: Algeria-Egypt: animosity turns ugly
Soccer Training And Football Training - How To Train By Yourself
There is no question that the best players around the world put countless hours in their football training, (soccer training) by training by themselves. Andre Shevchenko and David Beckham have said they spent many hours training by themselves individually down at their local park. Individual training is great but there has to be a degree of discipline, otherwise progress will be slow.
When cleaning on to train by yourself it's important to plan on what you're going to do. Are you going to work on your weaknesses such as your week at Foot, or are you going to improve or maintain your strengths such as your finishing. It's important that you set goals and strive to reach and surpass them. Planing ahead will make your individual training sessions much more efficient, thus improving you as a footballer much quicker.
The main thing to remember when training by yourself is to get as many touches on the ball as possible, practising your feints and dummies as much as possible. Remembering to keep the ball moving as much as possible as it is much harder to mark a moving ball than a stationary ball. It is important during your football training (soccer training) that you practise your dummies and feints with both feet making yourself unpredictable to oncoming defenders, allowing you to move the ball with both feet always keeps the defender guessing.
When starting an individual football training (soccer training) session it is important that you have a preparation stage or warm up. This can be as simple as either juggling or dribbling around at a moderate to slow pace with 2 to 3 breaks for stretching exercises. It is important that you warm up properly otherwise you increase the risk of injury which will mean all the training you have done and will be for nothing.
If possible it's best to find a wall that you can knock the ball up against as you can practice your first touch intermittent with dribbling drills. Using the wall can be effective, it can be as simple as just passing having a touch in passing back into the wall and repeat. Remember to keep the ball moving as you would in the game as it's harder to defenders to track you when the ball is moving. You can then move onto throwing the ball into the wall and practice your thigh control and chest control etc. Using the wall has been utilized by many of the world's best players in their younger days.
After you practice your ball skills you can then try to train in a way is specific to your position. Example, if you're a striker you may want to practice your finishing skills. If you are a wide midfielder you may want to practice your crossing and dribbling skills. Defenders may want to perform some plyometric drills to improve their athleticism.
Finally remember during your football training (soccer training) that you are there to try and get the most out of the session that you possibly can, not there just to have a kick around. If it is possible it is better to find a partner to train with as it gives you a bigger range of drills and it gives you the opportunity to competition and to push yourself against another player will.
Razor Scooter tricks
College Football Helmets - Its Evolution
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Football is one extreme contact sport. It may not be as fast or as furious as the usual racing games you seen but it definitely has a unique notch of action on its own. This is precisely why helmets are necessary when playing football. Both amateurs as well as professional players of the said sport can be seen donning this specific protective gear on before setting off to play the game. However, there are specific characteristics possessed by football helmets. They generally have a face mask, a chin strap, and even a mouth guard that comes as an optional feature.
All that have been mentioned goes the same with college football helmets. Apart from being just a protective gear, it can also be said that college football helmets are being worn for their aesthetic effect. Every football helmet comes emblazoned with the particular team's logo. This is essential because it helps coaches identify their players while on field and referees find it easier to record down playing technicalities while every one is out there on field.
College football helmets were not as complex as they are right now. Football helmets actually started way back in 1915. These old types of helmets are very basic looking. They are even simply made out of leather. They are also made with a flat looking top design which can be likened to the ones professional wrestlers have been using. Back then, the main purpose of these helmets was to protect the player's ear from any damages. However, the lack of ear holes on the helmets has proven communication to be difficult when these old helmets were used.
So through time, helmets have evolved and improved until the National Football League has required football helmets to come with a face mask. From then on, college football helmets have also adapted this particular technical requirement for the games they have held. Nowadays, leather is not the main ingredient of college football helmets. It is now polycarbonate which is being widely used in making such helmets for football.
In addition, college football helmets have also taken into consideration the need for constant communication while on field. Football, after all, is a group sport which calls for much coordination within the team. What happened instead is that these football helmets have changed its design from flat top into a more oval structure. According to studies which have been conducted, this oval shape of college football helmets actually helps a lot in protecting the head from too much impact. Moreover, an inflatable bladder is also now being used to provide more protection for football players while wearing a football helmet.
Then eventually, the chin strap has also been developed as professionals felt the need to secure that these football helmets are safely held in place. This is important especially for a contact sport like football wherein unpredictable actions can happen. College football helmets really did evolve through time. From its humble beginnings, people have realized the need to improve it.
Break the Matrix: Cancel the Super Bowl or America Dies
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Love Your Love The Most-Eric Church
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Steve Harris arena football on stage
Rugrats - The Turkey Who Came To Dinner (p1/3) (HD)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Pregame as Virginia Tech Hokies booty on ECU Pirates
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Football Wide Receiver Training - Short Game
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The purpose of this wide receiver training drill is to improve the wide receivers short game, while building leg strength and stamina.
Executed properly the receivers should make more catches and increase their yards after catch performance.
When lining up on the ball spy the defender. See how he is lining up and what direction he will be taking. The deeper he is lined up the better chance you have of beating the defender for big yards.
Explode off the line when the ball is snapped, making three quick cuts, right, left then faking right with a head and shoulder feint, while breaking hard to the left. Do this inside the 5 yard off the line of scrimmage rule. If the defender comes up, push him back while making your cut. The key to this wide receiver drill, is to stay in front of the defender while using your break away speed separating yourself from the defender.
The separation between the receiver and defender is critical, it reduces the chances of the ball being tipped or picked off while increasing the yards after the catch.
For the best results when doing this training drill, have a quarterback throwing the ball. The quarterback should deliver the passes on target, high, low and behind the receiver, simulating real game conditions. Developing the receiver's hand to eye coordination, improving the receiver's confidence and focus.
Have the QB watch your foot movement and your head and shoulder fakes. Keep working the basics and you should see your football skills improve.
This training drill is very effective for the slant and inside crossing routes over the middle.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
*Alex's Sweet Dream Team (Part 5, featuring Daniel Motlop)*
CHELSEA FOOTBALL SHIRT HISTORY Thaiboxingsite Footballshirt Blog
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
How to Pick a Fantasy Football Team
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When learning how to pick a fantasy football team you need to pay extra attention to what has gone on for the specific team in the offseason. Here are some questions to ask yourself about the team you are going to choose:
What offseason trades have happened to benefit the team?
Did your team have a good NFL draft?
Who is injured on your fantasy football team?
These 3 questions are vital in determining and choosing your next NFL fantasy football team. If you pick a team where they had no injuries and great offseason acquisitions you can expect to see your fantasy football rankings shoot through the roof. You can get the latest sporting news fantasy football updates right to your phone even, so there is no excuse not to be up-to-date when making your NFL fantasy football predictions. There are many players stocks rising and many players stocks falling dramatically. Sometimes you can catch a players stock falling almost near the bottom, draft them, and earn a huge return on a draft pick that low. These are your money maker picks right here and make up the difference between a winning fantasy football player and a losing fantasy football player. Knowing all your fantasy football player ratings will help you greatly on draft day. You can surprise all your friends by becoming the greatest fantasy football player to ever play the game if you do your homework and play your cards right. There are some steals out there on no name players ready to shine this year in the NFL. Your fantasy football draft has never been so better when you find standout players for cheap.
If you want to make some money this year on the NFL season, placing an NFL football bet will be your best bet by far. Take it from me; I have been making a stable income betting on sports for years! Last year I made a total of $120,000 betting on ALL sports last year. Out of that 120K I made last year, around 80k of it was JUST on FOOTBALL bets. The type of football bet depends on the NFL lines and who is playing who. The majority of the times if you can find a steal where the lines are great for a home team, take them.
A football bet tip you will always remember is to find a sports handicapper that spends 8+ hours a day researching each and every pick to give you guaranteed winners. You can find a professional handicapper for cheap, 50 dollars a month or less. Not only will you ONLY pay 50 dollars a month or less, if you do not profit for the month you are FULLY refunded. There are definitely companies out there that offer services like this, you just have to do your research and find one. Once you find one you will be able to quit your day job, buy a new house, a new car, and live a comfortable life just like I have been doing for years. I wish you the best of luck!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Ballet Versus Football Or A Pas De Deux Without Pointe Shoes?
Ballet is actually the foundation of most western dance forms, since ballet teaches good work habits, and a safe technique that enables the dancers to perform for many years with less chance of injury.
The graceful dance moves and combinations of movements in classical choreography are taught nowadays with increasing awareness of movement analysis. Correct ballet moves involve the elements of physics in terms balance, center of gravity, leverage and rotational mechanics among others.
The result of accurate ballet training is the ability to balance in a complex position, over a small area and support on the floor. Such as the tiny platform of the pointe shoe.
Physically, in ballet a condition of balance exists when a dancer retains her/his postural plumb line both in a motionless pose, or while moving on a vertical line.
"American football is a sport hardly known for its grace and poise, but many players have swapped their pads for points, to do ballet. Ballet dancers are renowned for their agility; they are able to leap, land and turn with, well... with balletic grace. This has led researchers and sports team players and coaches to experiment with ballet and other dance forms as a conditioning method. Superbowl winner and former top high-hurdler Willie Gault was one such player who believed his on-field performance and resistance to injury was enhanced by ballet. Ballet has in fact been used within American football since the 1970s."
The entire article is here:
If a dancer's or football player's center of gravity isn't in line with other equilibrium state forces, they will be unbalanced and experience an angular acceleration towards the ground, causing them to fall to one side.
Turning movements are common in all forms of dance, which also requires a great deal of physical, as well as scientific awareness that helps achieve the mastery of a perfect turn, or, pirouette. Football players rely on well-trained reflexes to dodge, spin suddenly, maintaining balance and speed. Ballet training enhances these abilities. It also breaks down many basic movements football players use, allowing them to understand how to prevent muscle and joint injuries.
"Ballet versus football" might be more correctly referred to as a pas de deux in training forms for many athletes.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
True Iowa Hawkeye Football: A Night Game in Iowa City
Friday, March 5, 2010
Nebraska-Oklahoma 1971 - A Nebraska Football Fan Takes a Look at the Real Game of the Century
I will be describing the 1971 Nebraska-Oklahoma football game as seen through the eyes of a 20 year old die hard Nebraska football fan. I was born in Nebraska and spent my first 10 years there. In that time, my dad, who was a huge Nebraska fan from way back instilled what has lasted to this day a love for Nebraska football. In the late 50's we moved to Illinois and there was hardly any type of media coverage available for Nebraska football. By 1963 Bob Devaney had brought the Corhuskers to National prominence. By 1965 the cover of Sports Illustrated had Nebraska on its cover predicting them to finish number 1. Big Red fever was taking on a national fan base.
This trend continued, with a couple of lean years thrown in to become a stage setter for what was to be the 1971 game of the century.
The Oklahoma Sooners were good, really good. Their offense was nearly unstoppable, and they had a respectable defense. Nebraskas defense was considered excellent while their offense was quite good with Jerry Tagge, future Heisman winner Johnny Rodgers, and future first round draft pick Jeff Kinney. The Sooners had Jack Mildren guide the Oklahoma offense which ran a wishbone attack. It was a triple option offense that didn't rely much on the pass. It didn't need to, Mildren had rushed for over 1000 yards at this point an Greg Pruitt was averaging 9.5 yards per carry. The teams had been ranked 1 and 2 for the entire season and something had to give.
I remember listening to Howard Cosell do a 5 minute radio show every morning, and doing nothing but talking about the Nebraska Oklahoma game. Life magazines cover featured the game, along with Sports Illustrated. In 1971 there was usually only one game broadcast and the others you had to read about or try and catch some highlights on a Sunday morning college football show. I had seen Nebraska play Colorado earlier on television that year in which they won 35-7 and had gone to two other games in person (Missouri and Iowa St. where they won easily. They were now on the big stage. It was something I could have only dreamt about 10 years ago.
This football game itself ended up living up to all of its hype. Mildren who hadn't been much of a passer all year was killing Nebraska with his arm. Johnny Rodgers 1st quarter punt return for a touchdown was probably the deciding factor that couldn't be changed, as these two team competed evenly down to the final minutes.
After the game was over and Nebraska had prevailed by a score of 35-31 I felt a sense of pride and relief. I had just witnessed two great teams go at it for 60 minutes and my team came out on top. The 1971 Nebraska team regularly is ranked as the best college football team of all time, I'm always surprised Oklahoma wasn't usually ranked second. After the 1971 season concluded, Nebraska ended up with a unanimous number 1 ranking, followed by Oklahoma in second, and Colorado, which only losses came to Nebraska and Oklahoma as third in the polls.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
An Overview of College Football Helmets

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Contact sports are still contact sports. They will always be something pretty dangerous to go into no matter how experienced a player is. For this reason, the necessary safety gear is always being worn and these gears are continually being developed through time. Among the player's body part most prone to injury is the head. Although there's the skull that protects it you can never be too sure when you're playing out in the field. This goes for the game of football, since the sport itself is very unpredictable and you may have run-ins with disaster more than you think you would.
This is why college football helmets are deemed very important. There are even times when college football is identifiable via college football helmets as symbols. Moreover, the helmets worn at football are not worn for the rest of a player's college life. It is actually advisable to have them checked up regularly and changed should they have suspicious cracks or tear on them already. College football players should, above all else, consider protecting themselves apart from just playing the game. After all, their football careers are just starting in college. There's so much that can happen upon graduation.
The most important thing that college football helmets aim to prevent is brain damage. Some players may think that a little bump hear and there will not affect the head. Actually, even if you have a football helmet on that's not enough guarantee to make sure that collision effects will not damage the brain. Based from studies, college football helmets are actually able to reduce risks of having various damages into the brain by around 60%. Thus, helmets are more than just a piece of hard hat worn on the field. It is a life saver.
Before each match, it is part of protocol that college football helmets are handed out along with jerseys. Players on the field should wear their helmets on at all costs. They can be
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Youth football offense - What's best is single wing or double wing?
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The double-wing Single Wing Offense Comparison
For youth football, the offense is better, the only wing of the House or Wing?
Many of you may not know that I have coached both the single and double-Wing Wing Offenses with younger football teams have. If I say, Double Wing, I mean, the traditional double-tight, center-forward with sniffer offense, not the flexbone The Double Wing is as the Core series, the power to launch-off, the defenders of the cause, the lawyerMeet Keil, wings, a sort of scan (more options) and a passing game to throw the action action.
I ran both Offenses
After a thorough investigation, we decided long ago that was then my organization of 16 teams a choice of either single-Wing or the Double Wing. We played in a league of 70 or so teams of 6-14 years. Only in 2004, I made Double Wing clinics for youth coaches in my organization. In 2005, my organization of 100% over the wing one-wayBoard. Personally, I Single Wing run exclusively for the last 8 seasons. Many coaches at a weight of this election one way or the other or sometimes even prepared, I studied and prepared both.
Double Wing is a good offense
While this article in no way attempts to denigrate the Double Wing offense, I would like to share with everyone why we do what we did. Are in an enviable position, that both crimes coached several teams, includingtaught both systems to 200 + coaches in the programs of youth that I met. Once again, I'm a fan of all series of crimes that strike at any place the attack, while the defense put in conflict and do both of these crimes, which are very good. I'm always a fan of excellent execution and disappearance, which the teams with average talent can successfully do both of these crimes, a good job doing just that. This is not a slam of the House Wing, I think it's a good way to understand and we ran to years of experienceback for this very reason.
Here are some reasons why I prefer the single Base Wing, the Wing Room:
The Single Wing takes only 1 extractors, the Double Wing 4 requests. Do not check in football, with great coaches that I have rarely, if ever have 4 extractor effective. If I have more athletic linemen who can move, my guess is that they are 2 players like that. If I want really tired of this 2-way starter, as he believes in every game, but a wedge? Most of the baseDouble Wing plays, throw, sweep and counters need 2 extractors.
Single Wing shooting much easier and secure. Too many units in youth football because of poor QB / Center exchanges. In our version of the snap of the "QB" is just 2 yards behind the center and is very low, the snap must be perfect to be effective and if you have problems at QB meters 2-pillow recovered. With one foot on the break, penetration is minimal. E 'extremely rare to have more to usexchange earnings of 1 male turnover for an entire season (those that can complete games this season attest DVD) / That's 1 turnover per season, not the game. Snap indirect (QB under center) teams just can not make this assertion.
Single Wing does not require difficult to do footwork for the quarterback the ball on the exchange. To give just one example: on the basis of levies fighting game that the bracket of the individual Double Wing attack, has the QB to take snap in the center(already risky than the single-wing snap), ensures that you approve a depth sufficient to protect the way in which both the back and the fight to draw in front of him, throwing the ball and make sure that the lead wave wingback, then heads the running back running inside the kick block the defender, while guaranteeing to make a block playside around the corner. The draw was often a step drops and quick spin and the QB for the opportunity to have the rightwings pointed, QB really needs to field all the time by running blindly hoping that some great Noseguard not stuck in the middle of the tour.
What that all means of training the QB takes a lot of time in the Double Wing, and it is better to have at least 2-3 QBs in attack. If they have to be great athletes? "No, but they need to be intelligent, as the contact, be trained and well preserved, the offense is complicated and requires precise timing, is not very tolerant. Compare that with theSingle Wing "QB", which rarely has the ball in hand, no matter linemen, dragging and run under the concern snap takes less than 15 seconds to learn. In 2005, we have the state championship with a 4 string "QB" above. Our team first child broke an arm in Game 5, our 2nd child Rosa had a swollen knee and 3 crew pulled the boy to the party by the pool bar of the great, almost before the match, slipping on some wet tiles. We won the game by mercy rule with a 4 Team QB, theStarting Right Guard, and until then had only carried the ball 10-12 times viewed. I doubt that many honest Double Wing coach tells you, which could have the same 4 QB a team to do in this offense.
In Single-Wing can get the ball to each player very easily and with very little time is devoted to it. The Double Wing is to teach the movement, taking pitches and handoffs, etc. etc. In the last 3 seasons, each of my players have legitimate ball and has 36 other children have scored touchdowns. When we suggest that it is easy for a player to take a snap simple and direct, and run off-tackle hole. Parents and children love this our offense.
The Single Wing has an unprecedented deception. With the single wing, you can ride all the Double Wing has played for his offense, but in any case the game easier to run from the single wing. But the double wing can not perform many of the series, the single wing, including the most misleading in all series> Soccer, the complete set of spin.
The single wing play to beat much faster. Take a double wing, many of the pieces a lot 'of time to fight, as the expansion, you must wait for two rear vents to get there and throw in slow motion from the World Bank and get the QB out of the corner. In contrast, Single Wing play-off fight hits full speed, the "QB", takes the ball on a path in a dead straight line to have the hole, what we are playing very fast andSports teams.
The Single Wing is easier to go out, we're already in a short training pistol.
The Double Wing requires the weaker players, tight end (in most cases) "shoeshine" block 2 holes to the inside when the left guard and tackle pull. There is no requirement for the single wing ends, even if I do not think it is so difficult to take blocks, as many do, coach.
Wing only, must be unparalleled deception, the SnapBall on 3 different players in each game. The defense has no idea who snapped the ball for 3 and 3 for all accounts. There is no other annoyance is that this statement can be a headache or play more on defense typical young.
The single wing was fun for kids and for me. I'm bored with running plays every game 3-4 and fell in love with the full and half-spinner wing individuals.
At the end of wing single measure our missionbetter wing room was much easier to coach and we had better results with it. So we made the switch.