Monday, August 16, 2010

Soccer Betting Games - Winning the Football Pools

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The football pools have been around for many years and have always been a firm favourite with all soccer fans. As a child, I can remember watching my grandfather filling out his coupon. He would do this religiously every week without fail. He would take his time going through the entire fixture list trying to predict enough results to win one of the many cash prizes.

This has always been a very popular form of soccer betting with people from all age groups. Winning the football pools has exactly the same sort of appeal as any kind of lottery competition. The beauty of the pools is that sports fans can use their knowledge of soccer to improve the chances of winning. Predicting the results of soccer matches is something that any football fan enjoys doing. Playing this game means your expertise can deliver some financial reward.  

Most of the leading bookmakers have games related to the football pools. They will even employ a collector to pick up completed coupons and payment from peoples home addresses. This made doing the pools a simple and straightforward exercise for the sports fan. The price to enter the competition was not very expensive and gave players a chance to win the famous jackpot prize.  

The football pools have enjoyed a resurgence recently which is largely due to the power of the internet. Previously these competitions were exclusively offline recreational activities. Harnessing the power of the online sports fan community means the pools have been introduced to a whole new audience. This has also rekindled the interest of previous users who had stopped playing this popular game.  

Most football pools have a spot the ball competition on the coupon. This is where you have to correctly predict where the hidden ball is located in an image of a football match. You have a choice of grid squares and the objective is to pick the correct one. People usually focus on the area where the players in the photo are looking. The spot the ball competition is just as popular as the pools themselves.  

The typical sports fan with a passion for soccer betting games will relish playing this competition. Whether they win the football pools or not depends on how good their knowledge of the sport is. If you are unsuccessful one week then more football matches are just around the corner. This means a fresh chance to win a cash prize or maybe even the elusive jackpot.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ACL Protection During Football

The greatest number of ACL injuries occur in July & August. It is obvious that this is the time that football and other contact sports begin, so the chances of injury are greater.

An ACL tear is usually a season ending injury. It accounts for 2% of all NFL injuries , with 20% involving special teams. There is no difference if the field is grass or artificial turf.

Lets look at the knee joint and try to understand why this injury occurs.

There are four major ligaments around the knee joint. These ligaments are designed to stabilize the knee and to control functional range of motion. The ligaments on each side of the knee are referred to as collateral ligaments. The medial collateral is located along the inside of the knee (medial is a reference to the midline of the body). The lateral collateral ligament is located along the outside of the knee. Most football players suffer from medial collateral ligament tears, due to side impact collisions with another player, resulting in stretching or tearing of this ligament.

Right in the middle of the knee there's two ligaments that hold the whole joint together. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) & the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The ACL is the more important of the two in reference to football injuries. If you tear the ACL completely, your knee is completely unstable and you risk further injury if not attended to.

When the ACL is torn, about 40% of the athletes will usually hear a 'popping sound' and then experiences extreme pain and swelling. One study of college students reported that a college football player has a 16% chance of ACL injury. Almost 50% of athletes who suffer an ACL injury will also have an injury to the meniscus (shock absorbing cartilage in the knee). ACL injuries usually mean players are out for the season. The treatment usually depends on the type of injury, but almost all players will have to go through some type of rehabilitation or even surgery.

A post-operative knee brace or knee immobilizer is sometimes used following injury or surgery.
These braces have adjustable hinges on the side to control range of motion during the healing stages. In many instances, a player will wear a metal or carbon fiber brace after healing, to provide additional support and protection, and prevent recurrence.

Athletes who suffer ACL injuries must seek out medical attention and receive proper treatment to avoid further injury and increased risk of arthritis in the knee joint.

show soccer Footballshirt Blog

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Football - Not For Dumb People

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For those of you who think professional football players can be as dumb as tree stumps and still play the game, as long as they are either big and strong, have an arm that can throw a hand grenade from Ohio to California or have a leg that can kick the chrome off of a bumper, you need to think again. Pro football is a very complex sport and unless you've got a good head on your shoulders, you are going to find out the hard way that it isn't simply a matter of being skilled.

Sure, you have to be big and strong, especially if you're going to be a lineman. These guys top the scales and 300 pounds plus and feel like mack trucks when they hit you. Certainly if you're a 90 pound weakling, you're not going to get far in the game of football. And yes, if you have a fantastic arm and can throw a football the length of the field accurately, you'll most likely make a good quarterback, again, provided that you have a head on your shoulder.

Okay, so why the need for brains? Isn't this a rather simple game? Isn't the object of the game to score a goal by either running or passing the football over the goal line? And if that's not simple enough, you can also kick it over if you think you're too far out for a regular score. How hard can this be? Kids in high school play it and some of these kids aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch.

To answer that question, one has to understand the level at which pro football is played. These players ARE the strongest of the strong and the most talented. They have the best arms and legs. When it comes to raw talent, there is none better anywhere. What separates the good players from the great players is how they assimilate the game on an intellectual level. In pro football there are a great number of plays for both offense and defense. Some teams have play books that have well over 100 plays. And they're all used. If the coach calls a play, you better know what it means and how you're supposed to react. That means storing a hundred or more plays in your head. And you thought cramming for an exam was hard. This requires a certain degree of brain power.

Imagine the coach calls a play and you forget which play it is and you miss an assignment or a route or a block. It could mean the difference between scoring and not scoring or the opposition scoring or not scoring. Usually it's mistakes that decide games. By having the plays down cold, you minimize the chance of those mistakes.

So the next time you think that football players are just a bunch of dumb jocks, I suggest you try getting a hold of one of their play books and see if you can learn even half of what's in them.

Professional football. It's NOT for dumb people.

I LIKE TO FISHING Thaiboxingsite Footballshirt Blog

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tournament Poker Tips For Different Stages of the Game

A tournament of poker is quite different from the cash game which can be played indefinitely. In tournament players buy a ticket to the event and start play at the same time with a fixed number of chips. The person who loses all the chips is eliminated from the game. Here the aim is always to protect the chips and grow obtain more. Players should have a different approach to different stages of the game.

The stages in a tournament poker can be broken down into early, middle and late.

In the early stage you will have the most number of chips in relation to the blind. Everybody gets to play at this stage and has the experience in this stage. You must play tight here; how tight depends on the tournament structure. If the blinds are low you can sit tight but when they begin to rise then you have to go out and gamble!

In the middle stage the goal is to stay alive and healthy. Losing with enough chips in hand for a next chance is better than not having any and being eliminated altogether from the tournament. Here you cannot sit tight; you must steal blinds and protect your chips so that you don't get too short.

In the late stage there will be some players who will have few chips and a few players with lot of chips. At this stage it is all about money, not only chips. There is no choice but to play aggressive without making any mistakes. Here you should be ready for coin flips and have faith in your luck to pull you through.

Remember the key is to change your strategy according to stage you have reached in the game. Remember you are playing in a fixed time frame and the blinds are constantly increasing and hence you must play more hands than in a ring game.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why Michael Vick Should Not Start Sunday

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Sunday is the first regular season game that Michael Vick will be allowed to play and we will finally get to see him on the field. However, he will not be the starting quarterback. I'm sure we've all heard about his interview and how he expected to return to the NFL and be a starter. This was not specific to the situation he is in now though.

Kevin Kolb deserves to start Sunday over Vick. This is for many reasons. To start, Kolb has been in the organization and on the team longer. He knows the system better and has spent a few years seeing it implemented. Last Sunday, he was given his first opportunity to start. He did not shine, but he did show a lot of potential.

Vick has not played in a regular season game since 2006. He spent limited time on the field in preseason and missed the entire training camp. At the very start of the season, Vick was unable to practice with the team due to the terms of his suspension.

To sum it all up, Vick just isn't ready. Marty Mornhinweg said it himself this week. He believes that Vick is at the physical level he needs to be at but he just isn't ready to manage a football game as a start quarterback yet.

Having him in the position he is makes the most sense for the team. They have a quarterback who knows the system well and is ready for his shot to prove himself. At the same time they have another amazing athlete who can play the quarterback position in a way that defensive coordinators need to develop a whole new game plan for. It's the best of both worlds. Am I saying that Vick won't come in, step back, and fire a ball at some point on Sunday? No, I'm not and I hope he does. This just adds another element to the offense that has to be planned for.

Many people want to see Vick start on Sunday but it's just not going to happen. And it shouldn't.

Footballshirt Blog Thaiboxingsite

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Table Sports

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Back in the olden days before the Internet and Music videos, families, friends, children, teens and adults would often get together for an evening or weekend afternoon of companionship, laughter playing the odd board game or play cards. Many occasionally played a game or two of table football, table hockey, air hockey, pool or whatever other table sport happened to be in the home. These games added fun and excitement to those boring Saturday afternoons, served as a great way of bonding between families and offered a way to level the sports playing field for those who lacked the bulk and size to play the real sports.

However, as times changed families began spending less time together and friends sought more expensive thrills outside one another's homes. Table sports seemed to become a past time that would fade into history. Now, with less money to spend on outside entertainment and with more people choosing to entertain at home, table sports such as table football and table hockey have been making a big come back and an entire new generation is rediscovering these games and just how much fun staying at home can be. Here are just a few of the table sports available that just might fit in with your family and friends interest and idea of fun.

Pool and Snooker

"Rack em up!" This phrase was and still is the call of competition in many corner pubs and bars, basements and wreck rooms around the country and around the world as competitors, friends, neighbors and even complete strangers challenged one another to the ever popular game of Pool and it's somewhat lesser known counter part Snooker. These two games, not only were fun to play but, require skill, concentration and a steady hand as opponents use a cue stick and a cue ball to hit other balls into the four corner and two side pockets of a felt covered table. This game was and is so vastly popular that local bars formed pool leagues that competed with one another and big money could be had for those skilled enough to turn professional. For most of people however, pool provided a game where families and friends could get together have a great time and not only learn the skill of the game but, geometric angles and impossible angles as well!

Table Tennis

Table tennis is often considered the table sport that started the home table sport craze of those years now past and still remains a popular game around the world today. This fast paced game also known as ping pong features a table, a net, two or four players and a ball. It is a fast paced game that creates a lot of light hearted moments as opponents send a small lightweight ball zooming over the low net in a fast paced game of control and concentration. This game comes both with it's own table or a table conversion set that allows you to set up that table tennis game on your dining room table, pool table or even in your backyard.

Table Football/Table Hockey

Table football and table hockey can really get the competitive juices flowing as you become team owner/ manager and have control of your own football or hockey team and try to score points by getting your ball into the opponents goal. The players are secured on rods which you then turn and in the case of hockey slide back and forth to control play and score your goals. Table football, also called Foosball in some areas is a fast paced game that allows adults and children of all ages to join in a game of football instead of just watching it on the television. While table hockey and it's counterpart air hockey allow for the fast paced play of an ice hockey game without the bruises and injuries.

Many table sport games come not only in the full sized games with stand alone tables but, also in smaller less expensive versions that you can sit right on your own kitchen or dining room table and enjoy hours of fun. Often times you can find a combination game set that includes not only table sports but other popular games as well such as darts, checkers, shuffle board and even ring toss. If there is one good thing about this economic recession is that people are rediscovering just how much fun staying at home can be with the variety of table sports available that fit almost any budget.