Monday, September 27, 2010

Coaching Youth Football - The Snack Schedule

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This is a tough one especially if you are coaching a younger youth football team. My personal opinion is there is no need for a snack before the game or at the half. I am not even a fan of it after the game since the kids are more concerned about getting their food and not listening to the coaches.

We live in a democracy so plan on the kids getting something. The younger the team is the more likely there will snacks. This is where the Team Mom needs to assign a schedule for the families. I try to keep it to just a beverage, like Gatorade and only for AFTER the game. One year I allowed for oranges at half time since the parents thought it would energize the kids. What a nightmare! The kids used more energy pushing each other over to get to the bag of orange slice. No one listened and the player left orange peels all over the place. Half time was spent cleaning the mess made on the field. I have seen some teams have a "party" at half time with all kinds of cookies and other stuff. No way will I allow snacks at half time. If the individual parent gives you a hard time tell them to bring something for their kid and the parent can feed it to them while you speak to the team at half time.

I need to remind myself I am out here for the kids and if snacks are important, then I will try to accommodate that as long as it does not interfere with the coaching.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Football Safety Tips For Kids

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Let's face it: in America, football is king. It is the social glue that holds together countless communities, groups of friends, and even entire families, with millions gathering in the stands and around TV screens annually to share in the thrill of a big game. In some towns, it would not be a surprise for a child to make his first pass before learning to walk. On the field, in the home or bar, football reigns supreme.

Every year, thousands of kids gear up for a first-hand taste of this national pastime. However, as a full-contact sport, there is no avoiding the fact that football can be dangerous at any level, amateur and professional alike. With this in mind, here are a few ways in which you can best ensure your child's experience on a school or club football team is as positive and character-building as it should be.

Proper Gear

The first step to take in keeping your child safe regardless of position he or she will play  is an investment in the right protective gear. The following list covers all the equipment with which any football player should be outfitted:

Helmet with face mask and a mouth guard - A proper fit in this department is crucial, as oversized helmets and mouth guards can easily be knocked off during rougher moments.

Protective padding for thighs, shoulders and around the hips

Cleats - Football is traditionally an all-weather sport, so having a shoes that can grip the turf well in every condition is important in preventing twisted ankles and other foot-related injuries.

Leg and ankle braces - Related to the point about, these minimize the severity of the slips, trips, and falls that occur in virtually every play.


As with any sport, proper stretches and warm-up exercises are vital to preventing strains and maximizing athleticism. A thorough routine can be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes long, and will raise body temperature, heart and respiratory rates, and increase metabolic Stretches should be comprehensive, covering not only limbs and joints but also the torso. Remember, always include at least a short run before stretching out to avoid pulling a muscle, and stretch just to the point of discomfort - not beyond.

Last but not least, always make sure your child understands the rules of the game before taking the field. This is one of the simplest to avoid an injury, and yet it is too often overlooked. Good communication between coaches, players, and referees is one of the best guarantees for safe game.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Football Pass Catching Drills

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This article will discuss football pass catching drills that are designed to develop finger tip control, soft hands and stronger fingers. Considered repetition stationary drills, each of the 4 can be practiced alone and even at home.

4 Pass Catching Drills:

1. Ball Dropping Drill:
Positioning hands in the front about waist high, the athlete grips the ball finger tips only by the wider part of the football. Dropping the ball the athlete catches the ball with both hands using only the thumb and finger tips only. This drill helps develop stronger fingers and finger tip ball control.

2. The Toss Up Drill:
This drill requires the athlete to toss the ball straight up, about 4 feet above the head. Reaching and looking up for the ball trains the football player to put their arms and head in the proper catching position. Focusing on catching the ball with the fingers and thumb only develops muscle memory and stronger fingers for the athlete.

3. Side to Side Toss Drill:
This pass catching drill is done with the hands in front about waist high. Avoiding using the palm of the hand the athlete roll tosses the ball from one hand to the other catching the football with fingers and thumbs only. This exercise will help with muscle memory and getting finger tip control.

4. Behind the Back Drill:
This training drill usually follows the Side to Side. Like the Side to Side the hands are positioned about waist high but behind the back. This will cause a further arm extension. Roll tossing the ball from hand to hand, you want to catch the ball only with fingers and thumbs. This drill will help you develop softer hands and stronger fingers.

These football pass catching drills are easy to perform and will help you develop what every receiver wants, softer hands, finger tip control and more caught passes.

In the resource box below there is a link to a 4 minute video that demonstrates equipment designed to force catching the football with the fingers and shows all four of the practice drills listed in this article.