Saturday, April 3, 2010

Youth Football Quarterback Drills To Improve Your Passing Techniques

I am a former NFL Quarterback, and I have some great quarterback training drills to talk about today. These youth qb drills will help improve mobility, ball security and their response to various situations that come up in the course of a game.

Drill #1. Globetrotter

This is an excellent drill for ball security. Quarterbacks work the football in a circular motion around their head, under their arms, around their waist, around their knees, around each knee, weaving through their legs and finally "playing catch" between their legs.

The coach shout commands of which body part the ball revolves around--usually starting with the head and working downwards. Coaches also shout the command "reverse" which changes the direction the ball is rotating. This should be done numerous times.

The drill concludes with five 'drops'--the quarterback dropping the ball and then grabbing it. This is done with five drops with the power hand and five drops with the off- hand.

Drill #2. Toss sweep and option drill

Set up a line of quarterbacks holding footballs with the coach in the "Running/Pitch Back" position. The coach should be in a position behind and off to the side of the quarterback--where a running back would be receiving a toss sweep or an option pitch.

The quarterback faces away from the coach/running back in a position where he would be taking a snap from center. Quarterback reverses out and executes a toss sweep to the coach. (This simulates either a toss sweep or a quick pitch play.)

You then move to the other side until all have executed the pitch. Then the beginning quarterback again executes the pitch to the coach and all other quarterbacks follow till all have executed a pitch both to the right and to the left.

Now the quarterback executes an option pitch in the same manner. If the type of option your team runs has an inside or outside veer dive fake then this can be simulated in the drill by the quarterback. In the option phase of the drill the coach yells "pitch" and the quarterback breaks down and executes a pitch stepping towards the "pitch" man/coach.

Drill #3. Knee drill

Two quarterbacks start with their right knees on the ground, facing each other ten yards apart. One quarterback has a ball on the ground next to his right leg. The quarterback picks up the ball with his power hand, puts the ball to his ear with his off- hand also on the ball and throws it to his partner quarterback across from him. The partner QB catches the ball, places it on the ground and does exactly the same thing throwing the ball back.

The quarterbacks continue playing catch in this manner while the coach helps them with the finer points of their throwing techniques: leading with the throwing elbow, ball at ear and pointing first with wrist and then index finger upon release of the ball.

Drill #4. Three and Five Step drop and wave drill

Two quarterbacks start (one with a ball) facing each other 15 yards apart. The coach stands about seven yards from the quarterback with the ball. Quarterback with the ball faces the coach in an "under center" position.

The coach gives a command and the quarterback executes a three- step drop with his feet "chopping/firing" on his third plant step. The coach then gives visual directions with his hands (such as improving quarterback focus by keeping eyes forward) and the quarterback executes a wave drill moving right, left, forward and back.

The quarterback with very short choppy steps only moves 2-3 feet in the drill in each direction. The last command by the coach is to "throw" to the partner. The coach then turns around and executes the drill with the partner quarterback.

Key points of emphasis:

Stand tall.

Qb's must make a very quick in his drop and with his foot movement.

Make sure your head is constantly forward the entire time watching the coach. Once completed, the drill can also be executed for a five or seven- step drop.

Drill #5. Boot/Sprint out and throw

Two quarterbacks start (one with a ball) facing each other 10 yards apart but staggered so one quarterback is 15 yards to the right of the quarterback with the ball. The coach stands roughly equidistant between both quarterbacks.

The quarterback with the ball faces forward in an "under center" position. On the coaches' command the quarterback executes a bootleg, faking a handoff to his left, and then bootlegging to his right and throwing the ball to his partner quarterback. The quarterback who just completed the throw returns to his original position. The coach turns around and has the partner quarterback execute the drill.

Once the boot phase is completed the quarterbacks complete the drill using sprint out techniques. Then both quarterbacks move ten yards up field and turn around so they can execute the drill to the left side. This continues until the coach determines a sufficient amount of repetitions have been completed.

Drill #6. Throw on the run drill

Two quarterbacks face each other 15 yards apart with one quarterback having a ball. As the quarterback with the ball begins "running" towards his partner, the partner backpedals. The quarterback with the ball throws the ball to his partner.

As his partner catches the ball he now begins to run forward with the other qbnow back peddling. The qb run and backpedal as they play catch with the football until the coach determines a sufficient amount of repetitions have been completed.


In all of these drills the coach is working with the qbs on perfecting their techniques in throwing, executing a toss sweep or option pitch and establishing proper footwork. Special attention to the focus of the eyes and footwork in these drills will do a great deal to improve the efficiency and quickness of the qb's.


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