Friday, May 28, 2010

World Cup 2006 Draw

The draw for the World Cup in 2006 was the year 2005, Germany held in Leipzig on December 9. This is the biggest sporting event in the world after the Olympics and was eagerly awaited. The 32 teams were in eight groups of four in a ceremony televised address that was assigned to watch live in over one hundred and sixty countries. The top two from each group will proceed to a straight knockout.

The first team was pulled from the bullets of England, couldthat is an omen, could potentially end the tournament, finishing first? Fifa had sown his base controversial second part of its exciting overtime win in hand, the old enemy Argentina.

Group A comprises Germany, Costa Rica, Poland and Ecuador

Group B consists of England, Paraguay, Trinidad & Tobago, Sweden and

Group C Argentina, Ivory Coast, Serbia and Montenegro, the Netherlands and

Group D consists of Mexico, Iran, Angola, &Portugal

Group E consists of Italy, Ghana, United States, and the czech Republic

Group F consists of Brazil, Croatia, Australia and Japan

Group G consists of France, Switzerland, South Korea, Togo and

Group H consists of Spain, Ukraine, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and

The matches kick-off in Monaco of Bavaria on June 9 and take a month, with the final July 9 in Berlin and won.

While it is easy to look at groups and are likely to select the two qualifiers, we all knowIs not that what you will. Memories are fresh from the failure of defending champions France to progress from group stage Senegal in 2002, after less than a dumping by the same gate.

The creators were probably guide England rate cut slightly 01:06, the tournament on the back of what looks like a group easier to win. There are hundreds of millions of pounds are traded in this event in the world, before the winners are known. You can enter a free £ 20 6CHE3VPWJ entering the coupon code when prompted.

The favorites are multi-winner and current defending champion Brazil, but the usual suspects, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, France, England, Argentina, Portugal and all have their enthusiastic supporters. Do not forget, even Germany, for their soil, they are very hard to beat, even though on paper do not have a big face this time. The trophies have never won on paper, and I'm there or around there, but alwaysam.

Groups C & D look to qualify the hardest. The African challenge is bigger and probably stronger than ever, despite the two most successful nations, Nigeria and Cameroon for it to fail this time. Can Asian countries, notably Japan and South Korea and the conservation of great progress that they did in 2002, although of course that was at home and it will be interesting to see how to Australia. Have qualified for the first time since 1974, andhave recently suggested that England, when a friendly match played in England, where two different teams during the game. Most Australian players doing their business in the English Premiership, so they know many of the other players pretty well, and vice versa.

I recall the first time qualifiers Trinidad and Tobago, the smallest nation to make it in Germany, and how much they need to move to England. run the talisman and the former European Cup winner Dwight York is itsNation with great pride. Most of T & T players in lower divisions of English football, but only make a dangerous opponent, and Britain is not easy take it.

It promises to see the greatest football tournament yet, and certainly more fans overseas will be the first ever trip to Germany. Preliminary figures indicate that more than 100,000 England fans take alone, and considering that some reasonsOnly 30,000 tickets will go on open sale, which promises to produce a strong fight. Holland, France and Italy is also a great fan base, then the Czech Republic, Spain, Sweden and Poland. German hoteliers are in a very busy summer.

England hope to do well, although deeply rooted any suspects yet another victory in Brazil for their flamboyant star Ronaldhino, but a final against Brazil, England would be a must see. This is the hope in Englandsecure.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Man's Game asthma, crutches and blindness does not necessarily mean that you can not play football.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Right MLM Posture For Giant Income

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Do you have the right "posture" in marketing your MLM biz opportunity? What exactly does that mean?

Let me use a football metaphor to illustrate what it means to have the right posture.

Barry Switzer was one of the most successful college football coaches of all time. After coaching the University of Oklahoma to several national titles, he also took the Dallas Cowboys to an NFL Superbowl and championship.

What you may not know about Barry is that at Oklahoma, he was probably known as a better recruiter than he was a coach. Most of the stars at OU were from Texas during Switzer's reign. He was known for getting some of the best players in the state of Texas to come to Oklahoma. How did he do that? He had the right posture.

Legend has it that Barry would tell a potential recruit, "If you come to OU, we will be playing on TV a lot, playing in major bowl games, and competing for national championships. If you don't come to OU, we will be on TV a lot, playing in major bowl games and competing for national championships!"

Note the posture he had? Switzer was telling the potential recruit that he knew his team would be a major force either way. That made many of the Texas stars want to work with Barry and his staff at OU!

Can you have that same or similar posture in your business recruiting efforts? You can if you have an unlimited number of folks to talk to. You don't want to be arrogant about it, but you should be able to let folks know that your team is going places. Do they want to watch from the sidelines, or come along for the ride? This should permeate your marketing materials, and everything you do to promote your biz.

You don't want dead weight either. Some of your team mates will turn out that way. We just keep looking for winners. Being consistent with your marketing will help you find them. You just have to have the right posture!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Football Trend is on the Rise

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The game of football, known as soccer in the United States, has been played in European villages and cities since the early middle ages. It has come a long way since those early mob games with pig bladder balls, but the excitement and intensity of the game endure to modern times. Almost every country in the world has a team, and each team carries the weight of national pride into every game. Europe has its own league, which features teams that represent separate cities. Many countries, however, only have the national team, and their main goal is to qualify for the FIFA World Cup every four years.

The Game's Development
In the early 1930s an international football tournament was created so that teams from around the world could get together to compete for a world championship. These early World Cup games were as intense as the modern ones, and each country sought the honor of winning the Golden Nike trophy every four years. When the FIFA organization took over in 1970 it increased the marketing potential and global reach of the World Cup, and the sport grew even more in popularity.

Rising Popularity
Between the 1970s and today there has been a substantial and steady increase in the popularity of football. The advent of mass communication has made it possible for people in every corner of the world to watch important matches that they might not have seen in previous decades. The players have become instant celebrities, and they are on everyone's television and radio selling products for their sponsors. The sale of team-related items, such as shirts or jerseys, has propelled the sport into a more commercial role. It has also given fans a new way to support their teams through their daily attire.

International Ramifications
With football teams representing their home countries, there are natural international elements to the games. When a country faces another country in a sporting event, it is easy to create more meaning behind the game. Fans become more passionate when facing rival countries, and they feel a more intimate connection with their team because they feel that they are all represented as a nation. This can lead to some outrageous behavior in the viewing stands, and sometimes degenerates into violence. Countries have become more serious about policing games and ensuring the safety of fans during emotionally charged matches.

The Future of the Game
Football has a bright future. It has always been a very popular sport worldwide, but its appeal is still growing. Fans are discovering the game and appreciating it more and more. The World Cup rivals only the Olympics when it comes to international viewers. If the escalation in fan violence can be successfully dealt with, there is no reason that the game wouldn't just continue to rise in popularity worldwide. More fans mean more sponsorship and more sponsorships means more revenue for each club. Even the United States, long ambivalent toward the sport, has become more involved in football during recent years.

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Prescription For Joy - A Domestic Violence Survivor's Tale

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There was time in my life when I was called "Dr. D" more than anything else, not mom or even JoAnn. I was teaching about 90 students per semester at a small university tucked in the Allegheny Mountains, two hours away from the nearest major city. That's how it was in my "Wellness and Society" class, with mostly senior Sociology or Criminal Justice majors whom I had known for 3 or 4 years. They casually called me Dr. D and some even shortened it to just plain 'doc' which I secretly loved.

I had created this class specifically for this set of students, who I felt especially close to. Many of them were my advisees, so I knew them fairly well and knew how stressed out they were at the tender young age of 21. It genuinely worried me how tense these students were and I wanted to give them a class that offered them practical solutions. In this class, I wanted to expose them to some of the techniques that I had tried over a 20 period, as well as give them the newest information on alternative health options and nutrition. Our class was small, only 10 students, and was comprised mostly of discussion, experiential learning, and field trips.

In this class, they experienced yoga, breathwork, meditation, music therapy, acupuncture, Reiki, massage, ionic foot cleansing, and a myriad of other new and old techniques that alleviate stress and I secretly hoped, would create more joy in their lives. Joy is the best antidote to stress that I know of.

It was fall and heading into an early cold winter. I knew from experience that this is when some of my students would begin to become despondent. They felt isolated up there on that mountain campus, with constant lake-effect snow. The incessant darkness would bear down on their spirits. I knew how it felt because I had succumbed to the depression myself in past years; the dark days become relentless.

I watched with dismay as many of my students sank into a seasonally affected state of mild depression. This year, I really wanted to give them some tools to stave off the potential misery that accompanies the long months of winter. So, each week, I cheerfully presented to them more ideas and gave them more chances to try them out. Some weeks, I felt despondent that they just did not care at all and they were never going rise out of their funk.

At one point during one of the discussions, one of the male students Cullen said, "Dr. D, you are just the happiest person I know. You are always happy." He meant it as a compliment, but I could also feel him thinking, "All this stuff is easy for you. You just ARE this way." That night I went home and made up my mind to share my own past with them. I could not let them think that joy was easy and just happened to some people and not others; that it came to me naturally and they could never achieve it. So, like a true doctor I wrote out for them the Prescription for Joy listed below and I told them my story.

I came into class the next day, told them to hang on to their homework; we'd discuss them later. Today, we were doing something different. I asked them to sit in a circle and I reminded them of Cullen's comment from yesterday. I said, "Today, I am going to tell you how I became joyful." I told them that when I was their age, in college, I was in a very abusive relationship, much like the students from University of Virginia where the young woman was recently killed. Back then, I wondered every day if I might end up dead. I was drowning in the depths of despair. I am saddened to hear that a death from domestic violence has happened on a college campus, but maybe now people will wake up to the truth about dating violence in college. It can happen to anyone, and it does.

My college was situated in the heart of northeast Washington DC, in 1990, when it was known as the Murder Capital of the World (with upwards of 5 murders a day!). A man who lived in the apartment next to us was gunned down with a double-barrelled shotgun, while we were hangin' out one night. I constantly felt like I was in the crossfire of violence.

Years of living in constant fear and terror had wreaked havoc on my health, especially my adrenals (my fight or flight response), and quite frankly, I had not yet recovered. I shared more details from my life at that time and they got the point. At their age, I was stressed too, maybe even moreso than they.

I related how I've spent the next 20 years of my life finding ways to bring joy back in and that I am always searching. I explained that joy takes work, constant effort. Joy doesn't necessarily just happen on its own, though it certainly can, but it must also be cultivated.

For me, my daily practice of meditation has been a constant source of "prepping my soil," so to speak, for the potential joy, peace, happiness, bliss that are present in my life. But thinking back to my early twenties, I came up with the list at the end of this essay that I hoped might inspire them to find their own ways to cultivate joy too.

At I ended my story, there was complete silence in the room. I knew I had shocked them; they knew me as a professor, wife, and mom of two awesome children. I literally lived in a house with a white picket fence! They never imagined that I had come through such a past. I looked over at Cullen, and he looked lit up from within. His eyes were bright and he said, "Dr. D, that was an amazing story. I've got a lot more respect for you now." I thanked him and just asked that he keep my story in his heart. He promised he would.

Dr. D's Prescription for Joy
1) "Road Trip it": "Sometimes you have to journey out to journey within."
a. Go somewhere warm; see 'big nature.'
b. Drive across the country- twice. Sleep outside when possible.

2) Nurture your relationship with Nature:
a. Hike, bike, walk, kayak, ski, etc.
b. Be in silence.
c. Skip school or work & be in nature when no one else is.
d. Notice nature- even from your window.

3) Serve other, serve others, serve others:
a. As much as humanly possible, share your financial, emotional, physical resources with others.
b. Schedule it into your week, like any other event.
c. More than anything else, this will open up the door to joy.

4) CREATE/ENJOY music, the arts:
a. Concerts-iPod-Cds: Listen, dance, move.
b. Sing in the shower.
c. Join the world drumming ensemble- make music with others.

5) Play like a kid/ play with kids:
a. Ride a swing & swing REALLY high.
b. Volunteer with children.
c. Color with crayons.
d. Get a pick-up game of football, Frisbee, baseball together

6) Get healthy- stay healthy.
a. hydrate like crazy; ten glasses a day is not too many.
b. eat whole foods; eat something that looks like what it is called: fruit not fruit roll-ups.

7) BREATHE!!!!!! Learn to notice your breath & posture all day long. Take time to pause.
a. Meditate- fortify yourself each day like a daily vitamin.
b. Start slow (5 minutes a day) & then slow down (2 min a day); work your way up slowly.
c. Make it a part of your essential daily planning.

8) Go "Unplugged"
a. Go tech free for a day;
b. shut off your cell phone, laptop, iPod, etc. just for one day. See how you feel. Do it again.

9) More fun, less stuff
a. Give up consuming for awhile
b. Give your stuff away.

10) Take a fast from the Fast Lane!! Take a day off; schedule it now.

You don't have to be in-the-know. It's more fun to be in-the-mystery! The source of true joy lies within.


Funny Football

Ignore the gay referee. It gets better after that


Friday, May 21, 2010

Henrik Larsson - Interview

Henrik Larsson interviewed after his last league game for Celtic at Celtic Park


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Courtney Cate drafted, works Terry Tate - Linebacker Office

Courtney Cate will be developed, in addition to Terry Tate, Office Linebacker work


1994 World Cup Highlights

Highlights of the 1994 World Cup. In an attempt to stimulate interest in "soccer" FIFA chose the United States as a stage for the largest sporting event in the world. The 1994 World Cup was held outside of Europe or South America for the very first time in its history. Hosting the World Cup was seen as a good marketing move for the future birth of Major League Soccer. The results were below expectation. Surveys taken just weeks before the tournament showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans had no clue that the USA was hosting the cup and most did not even plan to watch it. Qualification Participants Matches: Goals: 147 497 1431 Tournament Participants: Matches: Goals: Attendance: MVP: 24 52 141 3587088 Romario Top Goalscorer: 6 Goals - Hristo Stoichkov and Oleg Salenko Top Manager: Carlos Alberto Parreira


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Arda Turan football show

Arsenal'in, Avrupa Şampiyonası'nda iyi bir grafik çizen yıldız oyuncumuz Arda Turan ile ilgilendiği ileri sürüldü. Bazı İngiliz internet sitelerinde yer alan haberlerde, gelecek sezon ekibini güçlendirmek isteyen Arsenal Teknik Direktörü Arsene Wenger'in, Avrupa Şampiyonası'nda boy gösteren oyuncuları incelediği, Galatasarayımızın formasını giyen milli oyuncu Arda Turan ile İspanyol David Silva'nın muhtemel transferler arasında bulundukları belirtildi. Haberlerde, Arda'nın İsviçre maçında galibiyeti getiren golü attığı ve Çek Cumhuriyeti karşısında da ilk golü atarak takımı ateşlediği ifade edildi. Arda'nın daha önce de Newcastle United'ın transfer listesinde olduğu hatırlatıldı. Das türkische Supertalent von Galatasaray Istanbul wird von zwei grossen europäischen Topklubs gejagt Der erst 21-jährige Aussenbahnspieler Arda Turan zeigt an der Euro08 für seine Nationalmannschaft starke Leistungen und ist auch bei Galatasaray ein Leistungsträger. Wie in Genf in Erfahrung bringen konnte, will Galatasaray seinen Spieler "noch" nicht verkaufen. Aber Juventus Turin und der FC Bayern München buhlen um den technisch starken Spieler. Die Italiener wollen heute oder morgen Dienstag offiziell mit Galatasaray zusammensitzen. Eine erste Offerte von rund 10 Millionen Euro wird aber sicherlich nicht genügen. Juventus möchte im Gegenzug auch seinen Argentinier Sergio Bernardo Almiron an Galatasaray abgeben, die Türken haben am Mittelfeldspieler Interesse. Die Bayern hingegen ...


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

College Football - Swenson's Last Second Field Goal Lifts Michigan State Over Wisconsin

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A great special teams player can win you a critical game when your offense is staggering and your defense is stalled.

Meet Brett Swenson, a 5-foot-8, 169-pound junior kicker out of St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Pompano Beach (FL). He put his foot down in the Michigan State-Wisconsin game Saturday (11-1-08) with 7 seconds left and kicked a 44-yard field goal to lift the Spartans to a 25-24 victory.

Running out of time, the Spartans scrambled to set up for a field goal, but were helped when the Badgers called a timeout with 12 seconds left. Then the Badgers called their last timeout, hoping to rattle Swenson, only to watch Swenson take his helmet off, laugh and then make the field goal.

"The first timeout helped me because it gave me a chance to relax after rushing on the field," said Swenson after the victory. "The second timeout, I thought was funny because he was trying to ice me and I knew that wouldn't work."

Prior to the 44-yard game winner, Swenson kicked field goals of 27, 21 and 50 yards.

Without Swenson kicking butt and taking names, Michigan State loses a game it should not lose. With Swenson the Spartans log their 8th win of the season against 2 losses. More important, the plague of collapsing late in the season is now starting to become a thing of the past.

To say that coach Mark Dantonio's presence has not make a tremendous difference in the consciousness of the Michigan State University football program is to ignore Brett Swenson's confidence when he lines up to make a field goal. Swenson just might be the best college field goal kicker in the country.

When you compete for a spot in a BCS bowl game or a major bowl game, a great, reliable kicker is a key player you want on your side. In 10 games, Swenson has made 19 of 23 field goal attempts with 6-of-6 between 40 to 49 yards and 1-of-2 from 50+ yards. He also endured a couple of bad snaps and bad holds.

Michigan State was not on top of its game against Wisconsin and was not on top of its No. 22 standing in the AP Top 25 Poll. By winning, the Spartans are now ranked No. 18 in the same poll. Voters boosted Michigan State's fortunes because they recognize that the Spartans were 11 points down in the 4th quarter and came back to win. Secondly, they know that despite Wisconsin's 4-5 losing record, is the best 4-5 team in the country.

Michigan State is 8-2 for just the second time in 4 decades and will play in consecutive bowls for the first time since the end of the Nick Saban era in the late 1990s.

The Spartans host Purdue this Saturday and end their season on the road at Penn State on Nov. 22.

Copyright © 2008 Ed Bagley


Monday, May 17, 2010

Thanksgiving Day - Cowboys Football

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The NFL Dallas Cowboys are a fan favorite within the borders of Texas and well beyond. Over a span of more than forty years the team has entertained and performed for its fans at a consistently high level. In addition to their great success on the field, "America's Team" has been just as successful off the field and is considered to be one of the most valuable sports teams in North America. One of the most anticipated games played by the Cowboys each year is the Thanksgiving Day Classic.

The Thanksgiving Day game also known as the Thanksgiving Day Classic has been part of the history of the NFL for quite some time. Thanksgiving Day games are usually hosted at the home stadiums of the Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys, with some exceptions. In 2006 the Kansas City Chiefs also hosted a Thanksgiving Day game.

The Detroit Lions are the perennial host of the event, having entertained a Thanksgiving Day game every year since 1934. The Lions opponent in the first game was the Chicago Bears who won the game 19-16. To date, the Detroit Lions have played in 65 Thanksgiving Day games. The only time the Lions have not hosted a game on this day was in the year's from1939 to 1944 due to World War II.

In 1960 the Cowboys joined the National Football League as an expansion team and in 1966 they hosted their first Thanksgiving Day classic at the Cotton Bowl. Since 1966 the Cowboys have hosted a game each year (since 1971 at Texas Stadium) with the exceptions of 1975 and 1977 when the St Louis Cardinals played host. The Cowboys were victorious in their first game in 1966 defeating the Cleveland Browns 26-14.

Thanksgiving Day, NFL football, and Cowboys football go hand in hand. It has become a tradition in the United States to sit down for a turkey dinner with family and friends while keeping one eye on the football game. For some fans, Thanksgiving Day revolves around the NFL's Thanksgiving Day Classic and their TV. The lucky few that have tickets to the game get to enjoy their Thanksgiving Day cheering on their team, front and center.

Needless to say, there has been some classic Cowboys football played on Thanksgiving Day. In 1974 the Cowboys, trailing their rival Washington Redskins and playing with rookie quarterback, Clint Longley, in for an injured Roger Staubach, managed to steal victory with 28 seconds left when Longley threw a 50-yard touchdown pass. The Cowboys won the game 24 to 23. In 1990 the Cowboys were again matched against the Redskins on Thanksgiving Day. Rookie Emmitt Smith carried the ball 23 times and ran for 132 yards, including two second half touchdowns, as the Cowboys scored the final 17 points of the game to defeat the Redskins 27 to 17. In 1998 the Cowboys were matched against the Minnesota Vikings. Randy Moss, the Vikings rookie wide receiver, caught only three passes that game but they were all for touchdowns as he finished the day with 163 receiving yards. Troy Aikman passed for 455 yards in the same game. Despite Aikman's efforts, Minnesota went on to defeat the Cowboys 46 to 36.

The Dallas Cowboys and Thanksgiving Day are inextricably linked. You can't have one without the other. Each year fans of the game look forward to enjoying their football with a side helping of turkey dinner. The Thanksgiving Day Classic has been around for many years - it is part of the NFL and Dallas Cowboys history. Indeed, the Thanksgiving Day Classic has become a tradition in endless households across the United States and North America.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

2006-07 English Football League Predictions

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It's that time again when all the so called experts in the media give their predictions for the forthcoming football season. As usual they will get the majority hopelessly wrong, but claim credit for the few blatantly obvious one's they get right. Our newsletter service 'Tipped at the Post!' has for the past 2 season's joined in the fun and has actually done reasonably well. So not to be left out I'm publishing below my thoughts for how all 92 clubs will fair over the next 9 months.

In the Premiership it doesn't take a genius to work out the usual suspects, but which order? I quite like the look of the 8/1 being quoted for Liverpool. They have improved each year and the signing of Craig Bellamy could be inspired. They just get my vote in what could be the closest finish for years. Naturally Chelsea and Man U will push them close, but by the end I actually believe Arsenal might be their nearest rivals. Either way I think there will only be single figure points between all 4. Spurs will be desperately disappointed to have missed out at the death last time and their squad seems to get bigger every year. They should figure prominently again, but only as the best of the next little group which will include West Ham, Newcastle, Man City and once all the dust has settled Aston Villa. Plus hanging onto their tails I believe Reading will have a cracking first season in the top flight. They play the game the right way and will surprise many.

After that we're in to the bottom half and that's where I see Blackburn and Portsmouth finishing without ever getting sucked into the dog fight below them. The remaining 8 clubs will I believe all flirt with relegation, with the likes of Bolton, Middlesbrough, Wigan and Charlton all having much worse seasons than previous. I don't see any of them dropping out, but they may well have a few scary moments and I wouldn't expect them to be comfortable until the final few weeks. Of the other 4, Fulham always seem to do just enough, so that leaves promoted Watford who, whilst having a lot of pace in their side, look very suspect defensively; Sheff Utd who I think will struggle from start to finish - reminiscent of Sunderland last year and controversially Everton. I doubt if anybody else will be tipping the Merseysiders for the drop, but even with the signing of Andy Johnson I just don't like the look of them. Still even if I'm miles off the mark, you can't beat a bit of controversy.

In the Championship, every year the division seems stronger on paper, but the reality often shows so called "big clubs" living off their name and the truth is that any club who can put together a consistent run of results will be in with a great chance - i.e Watford last term! Birmingham look to have signed the right type of player for this league and their early favouritism would seem justified. The 3 losing play off clubs: Leeds, Palace and Preston, should all be there or thereabouts and I expect much better seasons from a trio of midlands clubs: Coventry, Derby and Leicester.

They all could feature heavily from the turn of the year and I'd expect at least 2 of them to be in the top 6 come the finish. Southampton too should make a strong challenge, but I can see Wolves having a bad time of it. I see their big rivals West Brom just missing out, unless they get off to a flyer. Plymouth, Hull and Cardiff seem solid enough, which is as good a description as I can give to Norwich, which won't be enough to allow them a sustained challenge. I'm not sure what's going on at Sunderland, but they look nothing more than a mid-table outfit to me. Ipswich have always been well fancied but I can see a difficult season ahead for them, likewise Burnley and Luton.

Sheff Weds should have a slightly easier time of it and of the 3 promoted clubs I think Southend look the most likely to adapt. Barnsley and Colchester may well be scrapping with each other come the end with the other 2 relegation spots being filled by QPR - who looked poor last year and maybe surprisingly Stoke, who pulled out some cracking results last time, but appeared to me to flatter to deceive!

In League One, Forest are everybody's favourites - everybody's except me that is! Granted they had a terrific run at the end and only just missed out, but I still have my doubts. The other team who came with a storming run late on get my vote and that's Bristol City. I've tipped them 2 or 3 times over the past 5 or 6 years and they always managed to mess it up somehow, but I think this could actually be the year they get it right. Joining them I like the look of Doncaster, who have some progressive ideas and a smashing young Manager. Huddersfield and Swansea ought to feature strongly, plus Tranmere and relegated Crewe. The 5 B's: Bradford, Brentford, Bournemouth, Brighton, and Blackpool are all capable of top half finishes. Of the promoted clubs I fancy Leyton Orient to do the best closely followed by Carlisle. The other 2: Cheltenham and Northampton may well go on a return journey. Gillingham, Chesterfield, Millwall, Oldham and Yeovil have a lower mid-table look about them, which leaves Port Vale, Scunthorpe and Rotherham who need a minor miracle as they have to start 10 points adrift.

Like any other season League 2 is the most difficult to call. So many times in recent years top 6 and bottom 6 are only separated by single figure points for the vast majority of the season, so picking the successful one's is a thankless task. I'm going for Hartlepool who were a little unlucky to go down, to bounce straight back. MK Dons will have a good go at joining them and Wycombe will be kicking themselves at missing out after their fabulous start and will want to put it right this time. Lincoln seem destined to finish in the play-offs every season but fail each time and a repeat can't be ruled out. I like the chances of Wrexham and Chester, plus maybe a little surprisingly Notts County. Grimsby, Darlington and Peterborough were all up there last season and should be there again this, along with Shrewsbury and Bristol Rovers. There is no reason why newly promoted Accrington and Hereford can't force their way in, they certainly needn't fear anybody. Swindon under Dennis Wise will be an interesting proposition and he could just galvanise them, but I have my reservations. The rest I see a long hard battle, with ultimately Barnet and Bury crashing into the abyss that is the Conference!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Part 2 1997 Orange Bowl Nebraska vs Tennesse

The second half of this game, Nebraska piles up 335 rushing yards in the second half to roll #3 Tennesse and claim a share of the 1997 MNC. Ahman Green goes for 206 yards in his final game as a Husker. The final collegiate game for Tom Osborne,Ahman Green, Scott Frost, Peyton Manning, Grant Wistrom, Jason Peter.

Thaiboxingsite Footballshirt Blog

Friday, May 14, 2010

How 5 Great NCAA Football Teams Got Their Fascinating Names

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What is in a football team's name? Throughout the NCAA football season, we constantly hear the names of various teams as we watch games, learn scores, and manage our college fantasy football squads. However, we rarely think about the origins of various schools' names. Here are some of the fascinating stories about some NCAA schools' names:

1. Alabama Crimson Tide

In the history of NCAA football, Alabama has become one of the most successful teams. However, have you ever wondered about the history of the team's name? Newspapers originally referred to the football name as "Crimson White." This alluded to the school colors. It later became the "Thin Red Line." However, in a 1907 game between Alabama and Auburn, the two teams battled in a sea of red mud. Thus, Alabama became the "Crimson Tide."

2. Penn State Nittany Lions

We are familiar with mountain Lions, but what is the significance of Penn State's "Nittany" Lions? It all began with a Penn State graduate named H.D. "Joe" Mason.

Mason became inspired after seeing a live Princeton tiger on its campus. A Penn State newspaper then sponsored Mason's quest to choose a mascot for Penn State. The school ultimately chose a lion, and it is most likely the first college to have a lion as its mascot. The "Nittany" refers to the school's location at the base of Mount Nittany. According to local Native American legend, Nittany (also Nita-Nee) was an American Indian princess.

3. Arkansas Razorbacks

Before they were the Razorbacks, Arkansas was the Cardinals. Students selected the mascot, due to the school's colors of cardinal and white. The name "Razorbacks" originated from a talk that the first paid Arkansas football coach, Hugo Bezdek, made to the students of Arkansas. Bezdek gave the talk after the school's seventh victory during the season. He observed that the team had played like a "wild band of Razorback Hogs." The rest, as they say, is history. Starting in 1910, Arkansas had a new mascot: The Razorbacks.

4. Oklahoma Sooners

Oklahoma has become renowned for its play on the gridiron. However, have you ever wondered what exactly a Sooner is? Prior to the U.S. government's opening of regions in the Indian Territory for settlement, Sooners were actually people who entered the lands illegally. "Sooners" first referred to settlers in 1889 who moved onto the Oklahoma Lands prior to 12:00 noon on April 22, 1889.

5. Tennessee Volunteers

We all know what volunteers are. However, to which volunteers does the name of the Tennessee Volunteers refer? During the early portion of the War of 1812, Tennessee earned the nickname, "The Volunteer State." President James Madison ordered General Andrew Jackson to enlist 1,500 volunteer soldiers from Tennessee. The troops were to battle Native Americans and the British, but they never fought during the war. General Andrew Jackson would later become the U.S. president.

Every fact we learn about NCAA football, can help us to appreciate it better. For instance learning the history of NCAA schools' names increases our appreciation for their games.

SHOW SPUR Thaiboxingsite

Raise your bold - The Cesc Fabregas Show

Just how good is Cesc's touch? In this challenge, Nicklas Bendtner and rising young star Ary help put the Spanish midfielder's skill to the test. Who can kill the ball dead on the spot and take the glory?


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You Can Always Count on Brown

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Not all Browns have the 'baddest man in the whole damn town' reputation.

* There was Jim Brown, famous running back of the Cleveland Browns. He got the job done, plain and simple. As a result, his name is still sprinkled throughout the NFL record books 43 years after his retirement.

* Speaking of the Cleveland Browns, they were named after the team founder, Paul Brown.

* Now Jim Brown is not to be confused with James, self-proclaimed "Hardest Working Man in Show Business" Brown. WOW!!! I Feel Good!

* Of course we can always count on the lovable loser Charlie Brown for a laugh - at his expense, of course. (test your knowledge on Charlie Brown trivia later in this post)

* Then there's Bobby Brown... hhhmmm, let's see. What can we count on him for? Oh, yeah - juicy tabloid bits!

* And lest we forget what Brown can do for us today - UPS! Talk about dependability!

There are a few other steadfast Browns for whom we should be thankful including:

* George H. Brown who helped RCA develop the color television system we know today.

* George H. is not to be confused "The" George Brown who has a college in Toronto named after him. This Mr. Brown was a famous 19th century politician, founder and editor of the Toronto Globe (now known as The Globe and Mail).

* There's Harold Brown, who 'shocked' the world with his invention - the electric chair. (ah-hem, couldn't resist the pun)

* And finally, there's Dan Brown, best known for authoring The Da Vinci Code.


Hey, how about a break for a little Brown Sugar! Enjoy this cool video via the link to our website in the resource box below.

Dirt Poor

Brown is perhaps the third most common color in nature behind blue and green. It is the color of soil, trees and rocks, hence the saying 'down to earth'.

Traditionally, brown has been the color of poverty. As far back as Elizabethan times (1500's) it is recorded that the lower class were ordered to wear brown to distinguish them from the more affluent and privileged classes. Some argue that the expression 'dirt poor' may have originated during this time period. Others allege it more likely came from the extreme poverty of the Great Depression in the 1930's. In either case, wearing brown was considered a symbol of low class and manual laborers.

Heck, I remember going to Amway conventions back in the 80's and being told by the Big-Shots that wearing brown was for 'losers'. The dress-for-success code of the day was the dark blue power suit with a red tie.

Luckily, in today's enlightened times, brown connotes dependability and wholesomeness. In addition to wearing shades of brown apparel, gemstones in this color offer additional characteristics of grounding and stability. Look for pieces made of Tiger Eye, Dravite or Petrified Wood to further enhance your integrity.

And today's dress for success advice: wear a solid conservative suit with a coordinated shirt or blouse... no mention of a specific color!

Speaking of Brown

While brown means many admirable things such as reliability and substantial, to many people brown means ordinary and boring. In fact, brown is the color of choice when it comes to camouflage - even in the 'real' world when people just want to blend in and not be noticed. And what better symbolizes the humble, tight-belt than the person who 'brown-bags' it to work each day.

In the Japanese language, there is no official word for brown. Instead, they tend to use more interesting and descriptive words such as "tea-color" or "fox-color". This is not such an unusual practice as many other cultures tend to spice up their vocabulary substituting words such as 'chocolate' or 'coffee' in place of 'just-plain-brown'. A great example are the sun-worshipers who love to flaunt their bronze bodies and copper-tone tans.

Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me?

Here's a little Charlie Brown trivia for you. (answers below)

* What usually happens to Charlie Brown's kites?

1. Snoopy chews on them

2. They get caught in a tree

3. The string breaks and they fly away

* How far can Charlie Brown kick a football?

1. We don't know; Lucy always pulls the football away just before Charlie kicks it

2. We don't know; Charlie only plays baseball

3. Charlie can kick a football 100 yards

* What is Marcie's nickname for Charlie Brown?

1. Loser

2. Chuck

3. Blockhead

* What does Charlie Brown's dad do for a living?

1. Butcher

2. Florist

3. Barber

* What happens when Charlie Brown is hit by a line drive in baseball?

1. His clothing gets knocked off

2. We don't know; Charlie only plays football

3. His friends laugh at him and call him names

Trivia Answers:

* What usually happens to Charlie Brown's kites?

They get caught in a tree

* How far can Charlie Brown kick a football?

We don't know; Lucy always pulls the football away just before Charlie kicks it

* What is Marcie's nickname for Charlie Brown?


* What does Charlie Brown's dad do for a living?


* What happens when Charlie Brown is hit by a line drive in baseball?

His clothing gets knocked off

Get more insights into the color brown by visiting our website via the link in our resource below.

Other Articles in this Color Series:

Colors - The Unspoken Communicators (introduction)


When you understand and use the colors that work best for you, I know you're gonna Love That Feeling!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2009 Ohio State vs Indiana Football

Enjoy some game highlights from the 2009 Ohio State-Indiana game....


Monday, May 10, 2010

Watch a Football Game Online

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Ever wanted to watch a football game online? I have done this many times with a service that is available that will allow you to watch TV on your PC. There have been many times that I was at work and checked in on games and game stats. There have also been times when at home the TV is occupied by either the wife for kids. I just pull out the laptop and watch the games online.

I love watching football and other sports online. I am able to get hundreds of channels online and tons of sports channels. You get all of the channels that you have now on your cable or satellite system, plus hundreds of more. Personally, I have canceled my cable and use this service in the living room on a computer. It works for the family, and we can all watch what we want on our own laptop. I love it.

Usually I will check in on ESPN and other sports channels during my lunch break, and I will watch games in the evening. Often times I can find some games on during the day like baseball and other great games that I would miss out on if I didn't have this service.

I did pay a one-time fee for the service of around $50. Now, keep in mind that you only pay this once, and not monthly like cable and satellite bills. I get unlimited access to hundreds of stations, and all are crystal clear. Sometimes there are so many channels and greats things on, I find it hard to leave it on one station. That is a problem I love to have.

My job requires me to travel a lot, so I now have a chance to watch all of the football games live rather than trying to get the wife to record it for me. Most of my co-workers are jealous because they are always asking me what is going on in the game. I just laugh and go on. I love this service. It is the best thing I have bought in a long time.

If you are a die hard sports fan like me, you will defiantly enjoy the service that I am using. I use it every single day, and do not have a single complaint. You do have to have a broadband connection to stream the stations, but just about everyone has either DSL or Cable internet these days. I use the DSL that I have had in my house for years, and it works perfectly.


Sunday, May 9, 2010




Icon David Icke on Alex Jones Tv 10:09: Dark Forces behind the NWO and your true destiny revealed

Alex welcomes back former professional football player at the show, reporter, television sports presenter, writer, lecturer and popular New World Order researcher David Icke.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Patrick Henry Hughes @ ESPN Awards Ceremony allotment 2

See this wonderful young man and his family honored at the ESPN College Football awards ceremony.

SHOW SPUR Thaiboxingsite

Markus Liebherr (New Owner Southampton FC) - First bold at St. Marys - WELCOME!

Markus Liebherr, took ownership of Southampton FC in July 2009. He attended his first game at St. Marys, home of the mighty 'Saints', on 18 July 2009 for a friendly against Dutch side Ajax. Saints lost 1-4 but hey it was a fantastic day for all Saints fans. Saints' new manager, Alan Pardew (appointed on 17 July) was also heralded in by the Saints crowd. Thank you Mr Liebherr!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Football Game Betting

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Are you aware that large number of people including bookies is making huge profits from football game betting and you could be one of them? Out of these only few people are making more than 80 percent profits regularly and the reason of the consistent winning is that these few people know inside secrets of football game betting. Football game betting has become one of the most preferred online games in many parts of the world and more and more people are coming forward and betting on the game. The craze of winning on bet is also increasing, however people simply bet without knowing the game plans win rarely. However, you can succeed in making a fortune from your bet if you do it properly.

So, if you want to win in football game betting, you need to learn the gaming secrets known to a few people involved in betting systems. Although a very few people are only going to share this information with limited people, you could become one of them. You can get the best information on football game betting at Internet and with the help of the information can plan your gaming activities. You should start with low bets and as you start winning, you can increase your bet steadily and slowly.

So, football, which is the favorite game of millions of people and watched all over the world, is also very favorable for online betting. Hundreds of thousands of people bet on the game every year. Although the game of football is sometime unpredictable, even then many people win from online football game betting.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Watch a Football Game - A Guide For Women

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Men may call it football. But to you, it looks more like a half-off sale at Macy's.

Speaking of which, you can always go shopping while the game is on. But football season lasts a long, long time. And anyway, cuddling up on the sofa with your beloved on those cold winter evenings does have some appeal.

But if you don't know what's going on, and if your beloved (as so many beloveds do) makes it clear that he'd prefer you not ask questions while the game is on . . . what's a football challenged woman to do?

Well, we're about to tell you.

The thing is, learning the basics of football - that is, enough to make game-watching fun - is at about the same degree of difficulty as learning to send e-mails. Without attachments.

Okay. Get comfortable. Fix yourself some herb tea. Or a vodka tonic. Make sure you have a clear view of the television screen.

Now, pick a team to root for. Doesn't matter which one. Pick them for your own reasons. Because you like the color of their uniforms. Because one of the guys on the sidelines reminds you of your high school crush. Whatever.

It's just more fun when, as they say, you have some skin in the game.

But do feel free to switch to the other team if the one you picked is getting creamed by time the game is only half over. It's easy to tell when that is, by the way, because there's this long break away from the game with lots of commentator 'analysis' and many commercials that allow you time to refill your beverage of choice. Not surprisingly, this hiatus is called 'half time'. See? You know some jargon already.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's get back to the beginning of the game.

Things get kicked off by . . . well, by kicking off the football. Who gets to kick the football and who gets to receive the football is decided before the game by a coin toss.

After that, each team is allowed four chances (called 'downs') to move the ball a minimum of ten yards. There are white lines drawn across the field at five-yard intervals, so it's pretty easy to judge the distance. Plus when you're watching on TV, they superimpose this really cool digital line in bright yellow so you really can't miss it.

Anyway, if the team with the football succeeds in moving it ten or more yards, they get another four chances. If they don't, they have to kick the ball to the other team and allow them their four chances to do the same.

And that's about it for the format of the game.

To understand the action, you need to focus on the football.

You'll notice that, when the action starts (each piece of action is called a 'play'), the ball is sitting on the ground between the two teams. There are eleven men on each team, and you'll see that a bunch on each side stands in a line facing each other. These are called (all together now!) LINEmen!

Told you it was easy.

Anyway, the teams take turns trying to move the ball to the opposite end of the playing field. The guy in the center of the line (called, amazingly, the CENTER) tosses the ball backwards between his legs (weird but true) to the guy directly behind him, who is called the quarterback, and who is like the general of the team.

While the linemen on his team try to keep the guys on the other team from pounding him into the Astroturf, the quarterback attempts to get the football moving down the field toward the goal line (that is, the line that marks the end of the playing field).

He does this by running with it himself, handing it to someone else to run with it, or throwing it to someone else.

Meanwhile, their counterparts on the other team are trying to prevent them from succeeding.

But if the quarterback or his guys do manage to get the ball all the way across the goal line (called a 'touchdown'), they are awarded six points, to which they can add another point by kicking the ball between the uprights of the goalpost (you know what that is, right?) after the touchdown. This is generally referred to as a 'point after.'

If they can't get all the way to the goal line by running and throwing the ball, they can give up short of the goal line and try to kick the ball between the uprights from wherever they are on the playing field. This is called a field goal, and gets them three points.

Whoever has the most points when time runs out wins the game.

That's really all you need to know to watch a game of football. So go ahead: pick a team; focus on the ball; cuddle.

What happens next is up to you.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sports Marketing - Are You Getting ROI For Your Marketing Dollar?

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There is a number that is indelibly linked to the multi- billion dollar industry that is sports marketing today. The year 1984 remains the landmark year for the then still nascent industry. The commercial success of the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles was coupled with acceptance in the corporate boardrooms that sports and business do mix. A very ubiquitous soft drink brand spent US$30 million on endorsements throughout the games, a figure which was exorbitant at the time.

Most significantly, companies who got involved experienced increased brand awareness regardless of their team's performance. A HSBC-sponsored Jaguar Formula 1 Racing team was mediocre on the race track, but still played a major role in building the bank's global brand.

A successful sports marketing campaign needs the following to be considered:
1. Target demographic
2. Geography of market
3. Type of business
4. Additional goals (client entertainment, prestige)

As far as possible, the campaign must be structured with clearly defined end goals. Using motorsports as an example, it is possible to get a race-by-race sponsorship deal which is more cost effective and relevant to the specific markets you intend to sell to. Similarly, backing a more accommodating new racing team rather than a big name if you want to impress customers. If you do fancy your company logo on a sports team or sports personality, devise a complete marketing plan to make the most of the investment. Consider level of exposure, target markets, activation plans and, of course, take your time to shop around. Sports marketing is still a very viable industry and the best thing about it now is that prices are dropping as more opportunities arise.


Common skills for Football

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Some of the most basic skills needed when running to get to play football, passing, catching, fighting and blocking. Besides kicks, these are the most common skills used during play. It takes years of intense practice and determination, really perfect these skills. College football has been a rewarding professionally, or if you would be lucky enough to also play well.

The execution and capture may be the role of differentdifferent actors are among those players close to the end, wide receiver, quarterback and running back. The tight end is a universal player with skills in management and catch block. A wide receiver's main task is to run routes and catch. Players are only on the field during a '"I training, which primarily block can catch it, and backs main job is running, before the striker ball, and go fishing Occasionally.

The move is another important form of literacy, and is the most importantThe role of the quarterback. Some skills they need to possess great arm strength is a good posture, body control and ball handling. When it comes to pass, good accuracy, it is sometimes better than arm strength. You must be able to manage the area and the game. Focus is crucial when you pass them because they have the opposing teams defensive line while trying to pass them must be justified. They have only one attempt to go until completion, so that each gameneeds many skills to be able to do so.

If the ball is in the air the most important person that will capture and wide receiver. A defender can catch the ball when his skills are good enough. Who makes the catch must be very fast to get the position of the ball to catch, and great hand-eye coordination is also necessary. This is why the players are paid positions at the bottom of the ball is usually the fastest player on the field.

If youis blocking, this is done on the offensive line and special teams. One thing that blockers need is a low priority, which helps posture and balance, in case of closure of a block, so as not to fall. Although this is not his main position when the ball is in play, if you are not a likely route to be blocked. The fight is tremendous strength and power. This is probably the most physical game. Speed, agility and strength are essentialwhen it come to tackling. They need to stop the ball from advancing, so they play a major role when they are on the field.

There is no skill that is more important than the next. Each player works very hard at perfecting the skills needed in the position they play, and even when they make it to the top, they never stop having to work on them. So the next time you sit down to watch a game, you'll be able to pick out which skills are being used to help your team score that touchdown.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How American Football has begun

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points of calcium can be obtained in various ways are many, including catching a pass over the goal line with the ball over the goal line, facing a football player in his end zone, or a kicker kicking calcium, using the pole on the opposite side. The team with the highest score when the game is over, the team wins the game. American Football is played in other countries outside the Kingdom.Their national football championships, which are in Sweden, Israel, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, Mexico and some who are in Pacific Rim nations Iceland. The NFL has had a development league in Europe, 91-92 and 95-06.

history of American football can be found in early versions of rugby football. Both games have origins in different types of football, the 19th Century was held in Britain from the center, was performed in which the ball or the line on aThe ball was kicked in the door. Football and American football is played with 22 players on the field playing. Some words from the list of football players are now in American soccer defender and as runners.

American football and rugby have a few important differences, the rule changes had been launched some of Walter Camp, American Football, people would call his father. Some of the most important changes made Walter Campdown and distance and the line of scrimmage and the rule of low and away. College coaches like Pop Warner Glen changed, Amos Alonso Stagg, and the late Knute Rockne 19:20 Century, the gameplay from Intoducing pass out. College football has grown in popularity and was the dominant version of football for the first part of the 20th Century. College football had huge audience with the National Football Bowl games. College Football had agreat rivalry today in the U.S..

year 1892, the former home of professional football can be tracked back to $ 500 with a contract to play football William "Pudge Heffelfinger played football for the Allegheny Athletic Association play against the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. The American Professional Football began in 1920. The first football game was played in 1920 in Dayton, Ohio, October 3 withTriangles of the game to score a 14-10 win against the Columbus begging. Two years later the Football League has changed its name to National Football League NFL, which is known as a football and it would be Major League American. Professional football eventually became a national phenomenon after starting in the industrial city of sport U.S. and Midwestern cities. football game after the NFL championship in 1958, has grownPopularity, the game, the game was known as the largest "ever played. The American Football League also known as the AFL began in 1960 a rival football league, the National Football League, the contact pressure between the two leagues Calcium is the first merger of two leagues, as the beginning of the Super Bowl began. The Super Bowl proved to be the most watched television event each year in the UKStates.


FIFA 10 World "Madness Messi Lionel Messi Tribute

**** New YouTube Channel / user / FIFA World production of ***** This video is a tribute to Lionel Messi. The purpose of this video is to show that Messi can do anything, and he's a fantastic footballer. This video has been for me a chance to video effects / editing work. Thanks for looking. is now in beta.


Monday, May 3, 2010

1994 Washington Huskies vs. Miami Hurricanes highlights

Washington snaps Miami's 58 game home winning streak by pulling off a 38-20 upset....check out my site for UW DVDs


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Football - The Big Set-Up

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Did you ever notice while watching a professional football game, particularly when one of the teams has an aggressive defense that likes to blitz allot and pressure the quarterback, that eventually the quarterback while under pressure takes a three step drop and fires a bomb deep that goes about ten feet over the wide receiver's head. We cringe and complain as obviously the receiver had the defensive back beat and a well placed passed would have resulted in a touchdown, however, if you read into it more you'll realize that the play was much more than just an overthrown pass, it was a set -up play.

It was never the quarterbacks intention to complete that pass, it was his intention that after getting blitzed and pressured on every play to get the cornerbacks to back off a bit or pay the price of getting burned deep!

The play created the mindset with the defensive backs to loosen up or be beat!

Now the focus will turn to the stacking and blitzing middle linebackers and the inside pressure that probably has resulted in a sack or several hurried throws by the quarterback. Next, you'll notice that there will be a short series of quick passes placed just behind the stacking or blitzing middle linebackers. After a few of these completions you'll notice that the linebackers are backing off now and dropping into their zones.

The set-up continues. Now with linebackers dropping you'll see the play selection include several runs up the middle for reasonable yardage followed by a couple of quick passes to the wide receivers who run a quick slant pattern versus the defensive backs that have been playing loose, followed by another run play up the middle. With the quick slants the corners have tightened up to defend it, with the quick passes behind the linebackers they have loosened up, and with the inside run plays called they are playing safe, dropping cautiously and then coming up for run support!

The defense is now vulnerable!

The offense by selecting the right plays for the situation have forced the defense to back-off and made them vulnerable, they went from an aggressive attacking and sacking defense to one that is now concerned with being more defensive.

Bring in the play-action. Now with the defense on its heels which results in more time and space for the quarterback, chances are you'll see him now run a play-action pass for the kill. The offense will give them a run look, fake the hand-off to the running back as if the play is going up the middle, the defense bites on the run,and the quarterback will drop back and this time throw a strike right on the money to the wide receiver who clearly has beaten the defensive back.

A far cry from that overthrown pass earlier in the game!