Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You Can Always Count on Brown

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Not all Browns have the 'baddest man in the whole damn town' reputation.

* There was Jim Brown, famous running back of the Cleveland Browns. He got the job done, plain and simple. As a result, his name is still sprinkled throughout the NFL record books 43 years after his retirement.

* Speaking of the Cleveland Browns, they were named after the team founder, Paul Brown.

* Now Jim Brown is not to be confused with James, self-proclaimed "Hardest Working Man in Show Business" Brown. WOW!!! I Feel Good!

* Of course we can always count on the lovable loser Charlie Brown for a laugh - at his expense, of course. (test your knowledge on Charlie Brown trivia later in this post)

* Then there's Bobby Brown... hhhmmm, let's see. What can we count on him for? Oh, yeah - juicy tabloid bits!

* And lest we forget what Brown can do for us today - UPS! Talk about dependability!

There are a few other steadfast Browns for whom we should be thankful including:

* George H. Brown who helped RCA develop the color television system we know today.

* George H. is not to be confused "The" George Brown who has a college in Toronto named after him. This Mr. Brown was a famous 19th century politician, founder and editor of the Toronto Globe (now known as The Globe and Mail).

* There's Harold Brown, who 'shocked' the world with his invention - the electric chair. (ah-hem, couldn't resist the pun)

* And finally, there's Dan Brown, best known for authoring The Da Vinci Code.


Hey, how about a break for a little Brown Sugar! Enjoy this cool video via the link to our website in the resource box below.

Dirt Poor

Brown is perhaps the third most common color in nature behind blue and green. It is the color of soil, trees and rocks, hence the saying 'down to earth'.

Traditionally, brown has been the color of poverty. As far back as Elizabethan times (1500's) it is recorded that the lower class were ordered to wear brown to distinguish them from the more affluent and privileged classes. Some argue that the expression 'dirt poor' may have originated during this time period. Others allege it more likely came from the extreme poverty of the Great Depression in the 1930's. In either case, wearing brown was considered a symbol of low class and manual laborers.

Heck, I remember going to Amway conventions back in the 80's and being told by the Big-Shots that wearing brown was for 'losers'. The dress-for-success code of the day was the dark blue power suit with a red tie.

Luckily, in today's enlightened times, brown connotes dependability and wholesomeness. In addition to wearing shades of brown apparel, gemstones in this color offer additional characteristics of grounding and stability. Look for pieces made of Tiger Eye, Dravite or Petrified Wood to further enhance your integrity.

And today's dress for success advice: wear a solid conservative suit with a coordinated shirt or blouse... no mention of a specific color!

Speaking of Brown

While brown means many admirable things such as reliability and substantial, to many people brown means ordinary and boring. In fact, brown is the color of choice when it comes to camouflage - even in the 'real' world when people just want to blend in and not be noticed. And what better symbolizes the humble, tight-belt than the person who 'brown-bags' it to work each day.

In the Japanese language, there is no official word for brown. Instead, they tend to use more interesting and descriptive words such as "tea-color" or "fox-color". This is not such an unusual practice as many other cultures tend to spice up their vocabulary substituting words such as 'chocolate' or 'coffee' in place of 'just-plain-brown'. A great example are the sun-worshipers who love to flaunt their bronze bodies and copper-tone tans.

Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me?

Here's a little Charlie Brown trivia for you. (answers below)

* What usually happens to Charlie Brown's kites?

1. Snoopy chews on them

2. They get caught in a tree

3. The string breaks and they fly away

* How far can Charlie Brown kick a football?

1. We don't know; Lucy always pulls the football away just before Charlie kicks it

2. We don't know; Charlie only plays baseball

3. Charlie can kick a football 100 yards

* What is Marcie's nickname for Charlie Brown?

1. Loser

2. Chuck

3. Blockhead

* What does Charlie Brown's dad do for a living?

1. Butcher

2. Florist

3. Barber

* What happens when Charlie Brown is hit by a line drive in baseball?

1. His clothing gets knocked off

2. We don't know; Charlie only plays football

3. His friends laugh at him and call him names

Trivia Answers:

* What usually happens to Charlie Brown's kites?

They get caught in a tree

* How far can Charlie Brown kick a football?

We don't know; Lucy always pulls the football away just before Charlie kicks it

* What is Marcie's nickname for Charlie Brown?


* What does Charlie Brown's dad do for a living?


* What happens when Charlie Brown is hit by a line drive in baseball?

His clothing gets knocked off

Get more insights into the color brown by visiting our website via the link in our resource below.

Other Articles in this Color Series:

Colors - The Unspoken Communicators (introduction)


When you understand and use the colors that work best for you, I know you're gonna Love That Feeling!


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